2KCBWDAY1.....My thoughts on a favorite yarn and a not so favorite

(Stay with me here...the image is from P. Allen Smith's site. What a cute trowel holder! eh? I may just have to find an old croc around here....)

Okay, now to stay on task...I am joining so many blogger knitters this week on the same topics each day. Today: a yarn you love or hate and why.

Well, after touching all my FO's around here, I have to say my favorite yarns are Great Adirondack Yarn Company's yarns in cotton blends. I just can't wear wools you know, except on my feet and hands. What I really love in this Chicagoland area, during so many cold months is a warm scarf, hat or shawl. THe kind that lies right on your bare skin and hides you from the wicked winds.

Now that I mentioned Chicagoland, I have to say that Zach told us that term made his roommates laugh. He said people from other areas find the term Chicagoland funny. We say it all the time. As in: We in the Chicagoland area, are freezing our butts off this March day.
Chicagoland area includes the burbs basically, that surround chicago on all sides but the east side. (that would be the Great Lake Michigan!)
I guess I've never heard about New York Land or Detroitland, or St Paulland. So It is kind of odd that we have coined the phrase here.

So bye for now from Chicagoland....


Karen said…
The trowel holder is adorable.
I live near Boston and the people on the news will say "around the hub" meaning the neighborhoods around Boston and the city itself is the hub.
Karezybear said…
Too funny, not to long ago I was pondering the term "chicagoland" and trying to see if I could think of any other major city that used that term. I didn't. :)
SissySees said…
Well, I've long had family around there, so... Chicagoland it is.
Alyssa said…
I've never heard of the term Chicagoland... but I guess it makes sense? In New York, there's only Upstate and the City!! (I wish people didn't always ask me how I like living in NYC when I tell them that I live in New York...)
Scrabblequeen said…
LOL...I know you wrote about yarn, but the Chicagoland is getting all the traffic. Around here we often say "Sactown" when we mean the general Sacramento area...so, close?
Guinifer said…
Minneapolis/St. Paul would be "The Cities" - short for the Twin Cities.
Beverly said…
I often hear the term Chicagoland on the news. It isn't as funny sounding as South Cackalacky. That's what we call South Carolina.

We had temperatures in the 70's and 80's and now it's back down to the 30's. Everything is blooming including the fruit trees. We are hoping we don't have a freeze. It will devistate our peach crop.
Anonymous said…
That CROC is adorable.

I never could figure out why Philadelphia was called "the Delaware Valley". It's not really a valley. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Sue said…
I have a yarn that I love and hate at the same time. I was knitting a doggy sweater for a contest the Humane Society was running. I chose to use 'Fun Fur' for part of the sweater. That stuff is miserable to work with, but it turns out so cute when you're done. I've used it several more times and have exactly the same impressions.
Olivia said…
That was not very on task haha

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