Graced with a Green Hat

and so it arrived in the mail...on a snow day where the Snow maker gave us just enough to brighten the Feburary look about our town

I opened this flattish manilla envelope...tsking Grace, she just shouldnt have,
tsk, tsk, tsk,
no matter what was in the envelope....

and then I unwrapped the tissue with her green words hinting .....a little something for you...
and there it was
a green cabled hat.
So soft ....and so green

i now know I cannot hate March ever again.
i put it on my head and it
like the magic hat of a snowman before me,
made me do a happy dance.
I know it wont be coming off my head all day,
the old house is chilly even with the goodenss of radiant heat.
and I will
oh i will glance at myself in the mirror, more than once, and I will smile a silly
wonderful smile
given me this day

by Grace


Nancy said…
How wonderful to receive a smile in the mail.
Karen said…
What a beautiful hat!!! But I wish we could also see your beautiful face in that picture.
SissySees said…
That Grace is such a sweet giver! Beautiful hat. Glad you're loving March already.
Beverly said…
Love this post and the hat. What a wonderful gift.
What a thoughtful gift ~ so glad your UPS driver is alive and well and could bring you this lovely package :) Roll on St. Patrick's Day!

BTW I love pepitas in granola and practically live off my homemade granola as I think it's a very healthy snack.
Anonymous said…
I love the cables! What a lovely new hat.
Jennifer said…
That's the best kind of mail... a surprise gift for you. It's really lovely - color, cables and you!
Judy S. said…
Perfect for St. Paddies Day and the chilly weather. It's snowing like crazy here.
Celia said…
It goes very well with that shirt.
Grace said…
I am so tickled that you like it so much!!!

It makes me happy to make others smile!!

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