Ann from Green Teams Takes.......and it is on its way home....cmon Red Team

What a haul. Ann took out 10 items......I am delighted you all found things to love in the box when it arrived to each of you. Marguerite don't despair......the race is very close. You never know which box will arrive first.....

Go teams Go!

Did anyone else read in Knitters Review how to come up with a needles size for your yarn if you dont have any information? THis was new to me: You double the yarn and pull it through the sizing loops until you find a not too tight not too lose fit...that's your needle size to start with......great tip I thought.

Have a wonderful safe weekend


Marguerite said…
Oh I am disparing! Fox River Grove is much closer to Glendale than Paw Paw Michigan.

But I did have fun with the red box and it's all packed up ready to be mailed off on Monday. Who knows what the USPS will do? Red could win it yet.

Sending take picture in a few minutes.
Dorothy said…
Oh! I put in the tahki cotton and the striped wool (can't remember the name of it....)! So glad that it's appreciated!
Beth said…
Go green! I think everything I put in the box is long gone.

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