Amphibien goings on

See the frog that is on the Cheezit box? Katy send him to me with the big old pink circular needles I wished for on a recent post. I have never gotten a box without it being wrapped in brown paper. I have heard of mail art. I think this qualifies. If you find a Girl Scout cookie box in the mail and its from me, rest assured there are no thin mints left inside. I think this is such hoot or a ribbit I guess. The frog has a little light and croaks. Radar loved the light. Thanks Katy you are so sweet.

In the spirit of amphibiens, I frogged a sock that I found in my closet last week. I tried to finish it, and had only the little bit of the first skein left when I hemmed and hawwed. Then I just ripped or ribbitted it out! Sometimes a good froggin clears your head....

I want to give a shout out to Lynne from Knit Together in My Mother's Womb fame. She now has an etsy site and I've become a buyer! Minne&Amos is her etsy site. Take a look. BUt the cutest lined lunch bag has been mwah!


Unknown said…
I have one of those frogs too! Damaris thinks it's hysterical when I lean on my purse wrong & it starts croaking! LOL!
pam said…
that is hysterical!
love that she sent it in a cheeze-it box. i have to mail something out soon, i may just mail it out in a samosa box. thanks for the idea!!! ;)
Katherine said…
A Cheezit box? Soooooo funny!! I will have to try that. I guess a box is a box to USPS.

When I saw the picture I said, "Oh THOSE pink needles." Not the ones I was thinking about when you mentioned them. Can't wait to see what you knit with them.
Beverly said…
I used to work for the postal service and I never thought about mailing or saw anything mailed in something remotely resembling a Cheezit box. What a hoot!

I love the frog and have become more acquainted with frogging as I've matured as a knitter. I used to hate to rip out things even if I knew I wasn't going to finish them.
Dorothy said…
I got one of those frogs for Christmas! (I wonder where I put it.......)

I saw Lynne's shop! Her stuff is super cute!
Marguerite said…
Been gone all day, but when I got home there was a much traveled, much taped Priority Mail box waiting for me.

Haven't opened it yet.

When I take it to its last trip to the PO I'll be holding my breath that they take it. It's going to look like I'm trying to mail a tape ball, not a box.:-)
Anonymous said…
Cute froggie!

Just wanted to let you know I just got off the Big Red Bus where I left a pint of my finest red. ;-)

They LOVE me there --- O negative baby!
kathy b said…

Thank make me teary.
Allison said…
Super cute frog! I agree that sometimes it feels so great just ripping out one of the projects that sits in the closet and stares at you.
kt said…
Hee-hee! So glad it made it's way to you safely! Looking forward to watching your progress with the gargantuan pink needles!
SissySees said…
Oh goodness, it wouldn't be safe to mail a box of Cheeze-its here; Sissy LIVES for them and would eat the box, I think...

And I apologize... This month has totally zoomed by and no blankets are in the mail for you.

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