Things turned upside down

(Radar featured) My neighbor told me that the yarn shop just a block from my home is going out of business. I am sorry to see it go. Karen and Leslie who worked there gave it there all. I loved going there when they were working. So THe Village Knit Whiz is closing. Currently yarns are 40% off or more. Needles are 30% off currently. I better get over there soon before the yarns I like are all gone. I'm right side up again, but the news of the store closing flipped me a bit.

Has a yarn store near you closed????? I'm sure it is hard to keep up with the online prices. Still, I love to feel the yarn myself before I buy it.

I talk more in the comments!


Karen said…
Oh it's so so sad when a local yarn store closes, isn't it? Especially when it's one you love with a great staff!!! There was a fabulous yarn store two towns over from me, and it was the first in our area to close. I still miss it. :( Sorry to hear you are losing your store too.
SissySees said…
Yes. While a friend opened a yarn shop about an hour away this summer, I think at least three yarn shops in my state, including one kinda' LYS, have closed.
Celia said…
The one in the next town over just did. Very sad. I agree. I like to feel the yarn before I buy. And I'm kinda an instant gratification person. I don't like to wait for it to be shipped.
Katherine said…
I always feel terrible that I don't patronize the local shops! I just don't have time and usually end up ordering yarn online late at night. I know it is hard for the typical LYS to stay in business under those circumstances. So sorry to hear it!

BTW my blog is back in action and a post will be added soon.
kathy b said…
Hooray Katherine

I am so glad your blog is up and running again!!!
Grace said…
yes that has happened several times and it is very sad!

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