The Shlowly Knitted Shawl
My lack of posting days is over, I hope. Grace from LovingComfort blog sent me this little gnome for my birthday in August. He's brought me good luck.
I made a typo earlier today and liked it. I am shlowly knitting a shawl with cotton yarn from Grace. It is the most boring shawl ever which is ironic, because if you know Grace's shawls they are sophisticated and complex creations. It seemed fitting that I knit a shawl with Grace's gift yarn. Knowing how I can't deal well with wool, of any sort ,on my shoulders and arms, the yarn turned into a shawl. I actually began it as a dishcloth.
How does one go from a dishcloth to a shawl? The summer was full of complexeties and this was the least of them!
I talk more in the comments!
Can't wait to see this shawl that evolved from a cloth.
I can't wait to see the Showly Shawl. I've been wanting to make one in cotton.