I think I planted the dahlia bulbs a bit too shallow. Some are already blooming. This one reminds me of the fireworks. Have a very nice weekend. I talk more in the comments!
Such beautiful fireworks! Ours started early. We were kept awake last night by early fireworks but celebrating our country early, late or whenever makes it okay!
I saw fireworks the last saturday in June, we looked out our dining room window and there they were, the ones on the 4th were outside the living room window (opposite side of apt) but out of site!!! I love DAHLIAS!
(just another baby legging in the image. Using my socks yarns a little differently) I think that blogger may not have correctly counted all the posts I've written. I've been posting since 2004 so I guess it is possible. I'm not going to go back and count them all. It says this is post 987. So we'll go with it. Im having a little contest for the milestone, but I have had writer's block since I decided on the 1000th post contest. So to take the pressure off, we are just going to do this now. :) I get crazy with pressure around events of all kinds. I just do. To enter: Please please please only leave a comment about this post on this post. Im much too flakey to search around differnt posts, afterall there are nearly a thousand (did I mention that number already? sorry....) Leave a comment telling me anything about Lace. If you dn't know anything about Lace, ask someone and share their knowledge. Do tell us who gave you this lace advice, to make it f...
Is that vague enough for you? It has been a too busy complicated Spring. I had no energy to blog. All is well now, so I can share some things with you: 1. When I shoot photos of the moon I think of Dear Teresa. Gone too soon. She took fabulous moon pictures. 2. I did not see one shooting star last night. I only got up for a few moments around 3 a.m. The local weather guy said he saw a few quick faint ones. 3. How can I can have one grown child in Oklahoma under flood watch, and One Child in Mexico under hurricane watch? On the same day. Tis true. 4. What have I knitted lately? I am pretty sure I've ripped more than I've knit. I ripped out a shawl that I was making up. It was cotton and pretty. I need to follow a pattern. 5. I was trying to make socks and decided to make mittens instead. I haven't worked a thumb in a long time. I may have to frog it too. So I ha...
Just a little eye candy to announce my CONTEST giveaway. You don't win him. I don t even know who he is but he's on my friend's locker in our locker room.... but now that I have your attention..... In honor of you you you who read the posts and comment on the blog and make me feel so lucky to know you and you could win: One of 3 prizes. There will be 3 winners. Yippeee!! Prizes will include: STITCH Markers....for all you lace folk. They are adorable. I will post the prizes each day over the next 3 days. YARN: Sock yarn because its summer folks and I'm all about sock knitting and A Chicago Blackhawks prize.... because we are after all in Chicago!!! Just leave a comment on this post and only this post. Entries are due by Monday June 24th when I go to bed. (Usually 930 Chicago time...hee hee I am early to bed) Le t me know if your a lurker, lurkers have a place here too.
Happy 4th!!
What makes you think you planted them too shallow?
I am on the lookout for green dahlia seeds. Haven't found any yet, but there are some flowers that I would just love to plant.
Hopefully they can come out as beautiful as yours are.