Red Twizzle Socks for AL

The other images I took are so bright they may injure someone. The true color of the socks is more berry and more dazzle.
Al will have them for many cold days 9 months out of our Chicago weather year.
I love this silk and merino yarn from Mountain Colors .

I accidentally bought 2 % milk this week . When I tasted it, it was so good compared to skim! What a treat. Cheap thrills continue here at Irisheyes!

What's your cheap thrill this week?
I talk more in the comments!


Katherine said…
I love those socks!! I was hoping they are as red as they show up in the photo. Al is going to have warm, pretty tootsies.

2% milk is a guilty pleasure but I can't drink whole milk anymore after years of skim. It's like drinking melted cheese.
Grace said…
Pretty socks

Tom was making choc chip cookies the other night from our small batch baking book and was out of brown sugar so he added more white sugar and some dried cranberries, they were really really good! Cheap thrill!!
SissySees said…
Nice! I'm really liking sparkly yarns right now.

The Knight brought home fried chicken last night. I don't normally care much for "yardbird" but that was a treat!
Karen said…
Waking up in my own bed after a two-week trip felt pretty good. Not such a "cheap" thrill, however, if you count the cost of travel these days!!
Birdsong said…
What bright socks! That can be so fun when the weather is dreary... good job!
Beverly said…
Cool yarn. Never heard of this one before.
Jennifer said…
Great socks! Yes - I grew up on skim milk, but switched to 2% as an adult. Tastes great.

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