Fast and furious fingerless

Fingerless with after dinner decaf. Cast on 32 stitches on size 7 needles. Knit around and around and put a 8 stitch buttonhole where you wish the thumb to be able to come out. When they are long enough bind off. I've been trying to think of the name of the yarn for the last 1/2 hour. I knit a baby sweater in this same yarn once. It isn't rhapsody or, I can't find the tag or the receipt. The minute I remember I'll post it in the comments. Wait wait it is JASPER! I realize the name is NOTHING like what I was driving at a few sentences ago.

I think I love this pair. Sturdy and short and sweet and simple.

Tomorrow night. Dog class number 2........
but no pressure....

I talk more in the comments!


Anonymous said…
so cute! Karezybear
Gayle said…
Oh so pretty, yet so simple. Thanks for sharing such a lovely pattern.
SissySees said…
I have two little hanks of Jasper...

Those are great!

Enjoy class.
Elaine said…
cute cute cute!
Katherine said…
I love the mitts! They are the kind I like to wear in the office--lots of warmth for cold hands and plenty of wiggle room for the fingers.

Good luck with the 2nd training session. Macy was so stubborn that it took a lot more than two to convince her we meant business.
sara said…
They're precious!
Olivia said…
Nails look good (and so do the fingerless!)
Grace said…
adorable little gloves

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