Capable of learning complex things.....

Has this blog ever given you the impression that I am capable of learning complex knit things? About the most complex this knitter gets is fair isle. Right now, life has other complexities for me! So my knitting will remain in my comfort zone.....(or zzzzzzzz for some of you!) I am casting on for a new project tonight. It is very straighforward, and I am making a prototype.
The last time I did this, I knit a sweater in "cheap" yarn and it is the thing people love the most when I wear it. (Top down raglan
cardi) Hoping I'm two for two.

We have had a couple of training breakthroughs with Mr. Cricket this week. Our very smart trainer (because it is so very much
me who needs the training!) solved a mouthy problem in a word "Listerine" I now rinse my hands in Listerine when he gets mouthy. He only needed one taste to keep his sweet little mouth closed. I also wipe it on the leash so the tug games have ended.

So here in Listerineland Cricket is fulfilling the trainers words to me at class, "Cricket is smart. He is capable of learning complex commands." Here he is after he figured out how to get 3 suckers out of the gumball machine on the porch. Perhaps he can knit.......Thank heaveans for Bully sticks to chew on.

I talk more in the comments!


SissySees said…
Cry... I just shipped our last Bully stick to a friend. Sis and Gretch LOVED them, but alas that red meat allergy of Sissy's causes so much suffering for all of us.

And really? Listerine? Think I could rub the bathroom trash can in it? That's all that's keeping the girls from being allowed to hang out in our bedroom rather than the crate....
Sue said…
We learned about Listerine when the pups were little. Sky wanted to chew on walnut shells in the yard. He broke a tooth and we didn't want him to break others so we soaked a bunch of walnut shells in Listerine overnight, then put them under the tree. When we let him out he ran straight for the tree, picked up a shell and spit it across the yard. He never touched them again.
Ling said…
I love learning new things complex or otherwise. Like yesterday, I learnt how to make a daisy chain. It was great.

Cricket is looking so gorgeous.
Katherine said…
That's what I like--a dog with sweet breath! Really? Listerine? I've never heard of that but will try it on Mr. Max who can't seem to keep his little mouth off of anything. Most of all I like the idea of a gumball/lollipop machine on the porch! I may steal that one.

Can't wait to see your non-complex knit project.
Allison said…
I love reading these cute dog stories. What a great idea with the Listerine!
Teresa in Virginia said…
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who enjoys basic, mindless knitting. I find it quite relaxing after a long day at work and I still feel like I'm accomplishing something. This also means I can get to more projects. Yay!
Kathryn said…
Awww Cricket is a lover. Lovely flowers too. Thank you for being my only blog fan! Love you, Bouf
Elaine said…
The flowers are gorgeous. Why aren't ours out yet?

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