Shawl pins

I like the turtle shell black pin the most, on first glance at 3 Bags Full in Northbrook. I realize I don't have much shawl knot finesse. I have one pin purchased a ways back, but I can't master how to make it work well either.

I'm beginning to think I need the shawl sticks. I could always get my very thick long hair up with two long sticks and it would stay well. So, I ask ya, ( mona lisa vito style) : Do you need two sticks to make a shawl stay? Do you use shawl sticks? Do pins work for you?

And the thing I liked best about the Oscars, was the John Hughes tribute. He grew up in the next town to the north, and he filmed his movies in suburban Chicago. The Breakfast Club was filmed at my husbands High School when it closed. THe library looked nothing like it did in the movie. He didn't finish college. Why waste his time and talent. His clarity about how to be a young teen may have been muddied if he had stayed in college. How wonderful that he knew how to weave stories about the difficult teen years that spoke to so many of us.

I talk more in the comments!


Katherine said…
Never tried pins--I have used shawl sticks for a long time. I think they work well and I have only lost one of them over the years. That was because I took it out of the shawl and was playing with it.

I didn't watch the Oscars because I didn't sleep well the night before and I fell asleep an hour before it started. Did I miss anything?
kathy b said…

Donna had a great post on the dresses and all. I was dozing before work, I just enjoyed the John Hughes part and some jokes.
SissySees said…
I need to figure shawl pins, sticks, something out, but I generally just toss the lace around my shoulders and go...
Lynn said…
I also went to Niles East and so did my brother !
Beverly said…
We bought a few at the last sale at the lys. None of them have been used yet but I don't see a problem with them.

I loved all of John Hughes' pictures even though I wasn't a teen. I was still young enough to relate.
evergreenknits said…
I have a few pins that I use ... some are vintage and decorative, others modern and streamlined, but I find that most often I use the old kilt pins in my collection! I've never tried sticks, but I'd like to give them a try since I only need one for my waist-long hair.
I have a favorite shawl stitck:) Hugs Darcy
Natalie Rush said…
Curious to see what you find out about these. I haven't tried shawl pins out much...but I like how they look.
Allison said…
I've never tried using a shawl pin or stick, but it seems like the stick would give you more options!

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