More good news

*My Tye Dye in Minerals arrived yesterday.

*I had great customer service from Yarnmarket. First try with them.

*Nearing the finish with the blue jean fingerless; seriously, I will likely finish today.

*Cricket's fence is up. The long 6 weeks with a pup and no fence is over.
I never stake a dog, so we have been busy with potty walks for many cold days and eves.

*Al got a job. ER in the city. Near her. She will work as a nurse very soon.

*Spring break with Zach at home has been so nice. So very nice. He and
Cricket are bonded. It took about a minute....

*Crocus are blooming.

*Radar warmed the foot of my bed up right before my nap yesterday........

*I discoverd that one of the hats I knitted for Zach, has mixed fibers. The top of
the hat is felting.....Zach says it gets too loose so he feels the felting is a good thing.

What is your good thing?

I talk more in the comments!


SissySees said…
Lots of good things there! I have yet to knit with Ty-Dy sock. I have used the original version and liked it very much. I have two balls of the sock yarn in my stash, as I recall...
Katherine said…
Yea Cricket!! Having a yard to run in is so important for the furry ones.

It's a good thing the week is over (whew) and that we always take a two day weekend during tax season!

Yea Al!! Great news about the job. Hope she enjoys the ER as much as DD does.
Grace said…
my good thing is feeling better then I have
Bianca said…
Beautiful yarn you got there!

Good thing would be if it got a bit warmer outdoors. I have cold hands, rain coming :-(
Laura said…
Congratulations Al!!! Nurses are the guardian angels that keep it all going.
Sue said…
My favorite season is finally here.
Jennifer said…
My good thing is being with my boys (hubby included in this count). Just hanging out or doing something special. I'm very grateful for the time they want to spend with me.

I was surprised about the TyDy yarn for you. It's a wool blend. Will that be a problem?

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