Have you felted Fingerless?

I found this pattern and picture in a knitting book the other day. I have never thought of felting fingerless. Hmmmmmmm. They sound very warm.......I think I may have to find some wool and make a pair. I have been given 2 lovely skeins of cascade 220, which I consider the best choice yarn for felting.

Fingerless are, well, perfect for dog owners. When you are messing with the leash and keys and treats and well, okay, sometimes a camera too, you need those fingerless. Are you a dog lover who uses fingerless?

Cricket jumped up at my hand on his walk today, and I said, "NO! not the fingerless Cricket boy" He's rambunctious and clownlike and I am in love. But there will be no damage to the fingerless.....

I have to tell you that I volunteer at the animal shelter by my home, in the operating room of the shelter. Yesterday I helped the amazing Dr. Kristine while she removed an arrowhead from a poor dogs hip. I didn't know how it would look when it came out. I have never seen a bow and arrow in this day and age. This poor dog has suffered so. I did fine with the entire operation as I am a nurse and it doesnt faze me. When she got the arrowhead out I wanted to sob. I cannot believe that someone shot this dog with an arrowhead that looked like a very sophisticated piece of weapon.
I have to focus on the fact that people are so good. They will save a dog's life when it is so easy to put them down.
This dog has been nothing but gentle as he has awaited being well enough for the OR. They call him Survivor. I hope he recovers without infection or incident. His bill would be something you and I would have to think very long and hard about, yet this shelter that is funded by donation only, saved him. You go Survivor, you go boy.
I talk more in the comments!


Beth said…
I have a lot of respect for shelters and rescue groups. Our dog was rescued from a breeder who was shooting the "not perfect" dogs. Since our dog was bow legged, he was going to be shot, too. But fortunately he was saved and the rescue group paid for several surgeries to correct his legs. When we adopted him, his story really moved me.
kathy b said…
Oh my gosh Beth. I cannot believe a breeder would shoot his own pups! His rescue story is amazing.
Katherine said…
Thanks for the memories. I "heart" rescue shelters!! Once I found a little brown dog in our driveway that had been beaten, was bleeding and covered in ticks and fleas. I took her to our vet and $750 later she survived the ordeal. It turned out she was so dirty she was cream colored not brown and as her wounds healed we realized we had found a sweet little fur friend. Buttons lived with us for 15 years and passed away in DH's arms. That's when Macy came to own us.
Sue said…
I've never tried fingerless because my fingers get so cold, but I can see how they might be good for fiddling with leashes and treats.

I can't even comment on poor Survivor. That kind of abuse makes me too angry to even speak.
SissySees said…
Thanks to you and everyone who volunteers at shelters. I have to send money, because I'd just puddle up and cry... or bring them all home.

I am a dog lover who loves fingerless. My fingers do get cold, but it beats having the leash sail out of my hand.
Karen said…
I can't believe someone shot that dog with a bow and arrow. Thank you for all you do at the shelter!
Birdsong said…
What a great story, and thank YOU for being a volunteer for them! I do use my fingerless mitts for dog-walking, and have them in a couple of weights of yarn (depending on outdoor temps). As you might imagine, they are good for working with burros too. Hadn't thought about felting a pair, but I do have a twisted knitting pattern in my Rav queue to make an even denser pair for outdoor use.
Wow... amazing...
Anne said…
I love fingerless gloves, but most of what are called fingerless gloves are actually fingerless MITTENS, which are completely useless IMO. Because if you need fingerless gloves it is because you are working outside, and the fingerless MITTENS just roll up, leaving your fingers bare anyway. Whereas fingerless gloves keep each finger warm for part of the length.

Felting them would be the bomb, since they would be super warm and useful. I wish I could find a pair like that.
rita said…
I knew I liked you, lady! Bless you for volunteering at the shelter and the shelter for helping animals. My Zippy came from a Yorkie rescue; I had him for 5.5 years. Nutso dog, but he was so loving and so sweet. I miss him so much. I can't wait to move to the Keys and wait for another dog to find me!

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