Ugly pooling .....or time to get back to knitting posts

This is a Panda colorway. I have to think of another way to knit it up, because stockinette pooling isn't very pretty to me with this one! If I can find a solid near its color, I would certainly fair isle with the two yarns. I think it has good potential for fair isle or slip stitch.

Do you have other ideas?

Aren't I the serious knit subject blogger today?!

I am answering every comment for a bit. Check back or is that too much trouble?

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Katherine said…
I always check back to see what you have answered to various comments. No prob!

I like the colorway but agree that it is not pooling in a pleasing way. Fake Fair Hat at would look great done in the Panda and a solid color. You are very wise!
gMarie said…
Hmmm - no help or suggestions here. Just coming by to wish you a fabulous new year! g
kathy b said…

The Fake Fair isle is a great idea. Hmmmm. Im considering it! Thanks hat queen.
kathy b said…
Thanks for the NEw Year wishes Gaylan. Right back to you. And to your adorable hound dog.
Dez said…
There are a couple slip stitch patterns which might look good- the butterfly stitch pattern could provide enough variety to help with the pooling.

(oh, and unlurking after following you for about a year now. hi!)
kathy b said…
UN lurking. Im delighted. Wahoo. Thank you GEO!

I will check into butterfly pattern too!
Ling said…
Hmm - I can see why you don't like the pooling. I don't have any new suggestions - fake fair isle was my suggestion too.

Hope you had a good Christmas and Happy New Year!
The Blonde Duck said…
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Elaine said…
I hope your Christmas was everything you hoped it would be.

Hmmm - maybe a seed stitch would be enough to make it look better.
Burnished leaves cowl it would be lovely in this pattern.Hugs darcy
LizzieK8 said…
I like a slip stitch pattern like Crusoe from for yarns that aren't knitting well. Breaks the color up nicely!

Lace patterns like Feather and Fan do so, too
Karen said…
Hmmm, that pooling doesn't look so bad to me. But yes, if you really do hate it, I've heard a slip stitch pattern is the way to go.
kathy b said…
Ling, BLonde Duck and Elaine....I had a wonderful Christmas. Hope you did too. Too many cookies..or is that possible?
kathy b said…
Darcy and Lizzie K I will go look up those patterns. It is funny how we agree it really isn't very pleasant looking! ha ha ha
kathy b said…

DO you have your glasses on? WHa ha ha. It is all in the eye of the beholder!!!!!
Beth said…
What about alternating the rows with another yarn? I made a scarf like that once and loved how it turned out.
Grace said…
A different stitch pattern may help like seed moss or something like that

How about a baktus, or small shawlette 2 rows Panda 2 rows solid or another varigated in similar colors like a chevron . There are lots aways around it

happy new year
kathy b said…

I am such a fan of Batkus style. Hmmmmm. you could have my answer.........

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