Spreading Holiday Shear
Real friend Leslie gave me this little lamb. He's a bank. For saving.....for you know what.
His darling hat is actually a little green bell. There is a bell inside. Real friend Karen's grandmother used to knit
these little holiday bells. Generational knitting is mysterious and fantastic to me.
I ripped the velvet scarf almost all the way back. Why?
Because I shouldn't knit even a four row repeat after working two night shifts......while having a chardonnay with LIME.
Such ripping used to really bother me.
Really bother me.
Not a bit anymore!
I get to feel this lovely yarn for longer now.......ahhhh silver linings. It is my favorite point of view.
I think I'll post silver linings for the rest of the month. Today's silver lining?
Well, working at the shelter was cancelled today and I look forward to it all week.
However, I got to spend some coffee time with Fireman before he left for what promises to be a
big scanner day.
Silver linings anyone?
Let us see that pin! Please
Love the sheep with the bell for a hat very happy:)Hugs Darcy