Dog Thoughts

Photo courtesy of THE ART OF RESCUE.

SO Hucky has been gone nearly 3 months. Here's how I am doing.

Somedays very good. I talk to him and we get through the day.
Somedays surprise me with sudden heart breaking loss.

It is getting better. I know it does.

I washed Huck's bed today. I cannot move it away from our bed, but at least I washed it . Yes I was sad
to see his hair in the lint drawer.

I have been going to a shelter with a friend of mine, Linda, who volunteers there.

I like going there.

I haven't found a dog. But I love being around dogs. This is enough right now.

I want to bring a shelter dog a bone. I have to ask if I can. The dog is a dog I could never
adopt, but seems worthy of a home with someone and a great bone to gnaw on.

I am Reading SECOND START. A book about adopting a dog.

My sister the vet is visiting over Thanksgiving with my neice and nephew dogs. I cannot wait.

Fireman thinks we will wait until spring. I don't know......
I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Jennifer said…
Kathy - I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a beloved companion. I'm so glad you are volunteering at the shelter. The right (lucky) dog is out there waiting to find you. You'll know it when you see it. *HUGS*
Jennifer said…
P.S. You must read "The Art of Racing in the Rain"
Walden said…
It's hard to decide when is a good time to bring someone new home. It's not replacing, it's continuing on. You deserve to have a dog that you can do things with and there are so many dogs that would grateful to have an owner to share their life with. Such a wonderful thing you are doing by volunteering.
Birdsong said…
Just give yourself time to grieve and wait a bit... you will find the right pooch when you are ready. I love the artwork version of Huck. I agree with Walden; you will be moving forward to new companionship, but always keep a place for Huck in your heart... have you read the Rainbow Bridge poem? If not, let me know so I can send it to you.
Anonymous said…
iv'e experienced always having a dog when that dog leaves you the next dog finds you you dont find it
this is the firsy time in my life without a dog and nov 9 it has been 12 yrs since my ruger has left still looking for that puppy charming
Bianca said…
I am sending you a big hug! I know it is hard.
Karen said…
Oh Kathy. I know . . . I know how hard some days are. I'm so glad some days are getting better. When the time is right and the new dog is right, you will just know in your heart - just like I did with K.C. I'm so very happy and proud that you are able to go visit the shelter dogs. I bet they all get so excited when they see you coming!
Katherine said…
You have been in my thoughts and prayers Kathy. The loss of a pet is truly the loss of a family member and the grieving is is much the same. It took a year after the loss of our beloved Bichon Buttons that we could be open to another furry friend. You will know when the time is right.

You are very wise to keep Huck's bed and toys close. I still have Button's toys and blanket in a box in my closet. My heart aches for you because I can't imagine not having Macy with me!
Sue said…
We lost our big boy, Monty, two days before Christmas last year. He had lung cancer. I miss him terribly and especially now around the holidays. I have found that a new dog will enter your life at the right time whenever it might be, ready or not.
Grace said…
Hi kathy, I haven't been sleeping well because my mind is so overactive, I feel like everyone around me is unhappy especially Tom and my older daughter, I have felt for 55 years that if someone isn't happy its because i am doing something wrong It is a hard habit to break. I KNOW I will get the knitting done, so its not keeping me awake at night.....just everything else in life is!! this too shall pass. thanks for asking though, enjoy your visit with your boy--i know how much I miss mine
Monika said…
I still think of Sam every day. I talk to him too. In the beginning I asked for his help with raising Happy. I still have Sam's bed beside my bed, I never washed the last blanket on it. Happy sometimes sleeps in it. When the time is right you'll know. I thought we would get a rescue dog as well, but for the breeder offering a pup, I could not resist. Good luck to you and your husband!
Angel said…
I got my dog Chloe rather unexpectedly. I walked into the pound a lonely broke grad student in a difficult relationship, and walked out with a big-nosed pup...

Nine months later when I left that difficult relationship, I placed little Chloe in the front seat of the U-haul with me, and I remember as we pulled off to our new home, new life, she gave me a look that let me know that she would always be with me...

Last year when she had the horrible time after her knee surgery I remember laying next to her by her crate as she cried in pain... my friends thought I was crazy to spend the night on the floor next to my Chloe as she recuperated, but I did. All she wanted was me there with her.

Now she runs happily with her fixed knee in the Texas sun... and I often wonder what is next for our little family--my little big-nosed pup is now going grey-- but I still know she will always be with me...

So I understand... and I am sorry. I cannot imagine the sadness...
Emily said…
Angus' bed is still in the bedroom and it's been three years. My excuse it that the cats like it too. But that's not the real reason. I didn't put his bowls away for months and months. And I still cry.

You might try fostering. I'm not ready for a new forever dog, and I might never be, but I've really enjoyed our long-term guests (the cats haven't). Ted's first adoption event is tomorrow!
Georgi said…
Kathy, I know how hard it is. I lost my wonderful Di on Labor Day weekend after 14 years. I still talk to her and mention her in everyday conversation. The days are easier, but I think I will always miss her. I hope your next dogs finds you at the right time and place and when you are ready.

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