And it's mine all mine till the day I die!

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

My Great Adirondack scarf is off the needles. So soft, so non wool! I gave the yarn specs in an earlier post. Not to be like
Sr. Marie or anything, but I only say it once. She used to say that. I know now she was lazy, like me!

I used to skiens of the luscious soft stuff. Now I want the color not to fade...ever.

I cast on 66 sts and worked Row 1 Knit
Row 2 KNit one,* Knit one, YF slip 2, YB K1*
I knit it on big fat turbo's.

It is in my Garter book and is called the ribbon stitch.
I actually prefer the side that looks like it is ribbed.

Im wearing it in the house. I'll wear it outside the house too!

Up next: bamboo knitting on rosewood straights.
Similar to a clapotis.
Stockinette, but knitting in back of the stitch before and after those that I will pull in the end.

I'm really enjoying all the Thanksgiving meme's going around.

Today I am thankful for having a phone that does NIGHT MODE and doesnt ring while I sleep in the day!


Sue said…
Very nice colors and looks like a fun stitch, too. Enjoy wearing it.
me said…
Rosewood needles ~ ohhhh and ahhhhh and oh la la! Lucky you to be casting on a new project AND casting on Rosewood needles! You should buy a lottery ticket too, as you are really blessed today! Please post some pictures of your Rosewoods & Yarn soon!!!

Bravo for that great scarf too! I love the colors!
Jennifer said…
Kathy - it looks great. I love the picture. You look like Tool Time's neighbor who never shows his face. : ) I'm so glad you knit something for yourself. Good for you!
Katherine said…
What a lovely scarf and gorgeous color! Bamboo on rosewood next--thaqt sounds positively sinful. I did get a shiver down my spine when you said "the phone doesn't ring." Someday, if you want to hear it, I will tell you my story of the ONE time I turned off the phone.
Grace said…
how pretty and it looks gorgeously soft too!!
Birdsong said…
Such lush, rich colors! Just the thing to keep with you constantly through the dark of winter.
Gayle said…
So very pretty. The colors are wonderful.
Anonymous said…
The scarf looks awesome, Can't wait to meet it in person. karezybear
Unknown said…
Really pretty.
Beverly said…
It suits you. I'm sure you'll get good use out of it in the cold weather.

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