This is the only little stand in our town of 50,000 people that uses the honor system. I think it is refreshing. I wondered, however when I saw it this morning....
would it work if it was yarn? Anyone willing to try it?

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Jennifer said…
I love it! I'm not sure it would work with yarn. Many people value yarn differently and wouldn't know the difference between a $3 and a $30 skein of yarn - I'm sad to say.

But I love the tomato honor system. Yummy!
Katherine said…
I love it!! I'll bet those tomatoes are yummy. I think it would work with yarn. Yarn people are good people and would be fair and honest. On the other hand, DH says I'm something of a Pollyanna.
Sarah Glova said…
makes me think of... when we were kids... houses that had no one home for halloween, so they would leave a big bowl of candy out and ask you to grab just one...

I would participate in an honors-system yarn table, but prooobably wouldn't sponsor one.
Turtle said…
lol, i like your way of thinking. I think, like anything it would depend on the person. i like to think knitters are honest folk! :)
Bianca said…
Heh... no! LOL! I don't think it will work. Me, as yarn lover would become greedy hahaha!
Elaine said…
It depends on how it works. I think it it says $X per, it might, but if it is pay what you think it is worth, then that is too difficult for even an honest person to deal with.

Funny someone mentioned Halloween. Once when my daughter was little, someone had done that - put out a bowl of candy assuming kids would take something. My daughter wouldn't take one - she thought it was stealing. I couldn't convince her it was OK - that that was why the person had left it since either they weren't home or didn't want kids to keep ringing the bell.
kathy b said…
Elaine your daughter's halloween experience is darling!

Sarah, I hadn't thought of the Halloween angle. Hysterical. We always leave a bowl and it is always empty! THis year I am going to rig up a fake video camera that goes off when you take the whole bowl! Scare the you know what out of them! hahah I love halloween.
Teresa in Virginia said…
I'm glad it works for the tomatoes, but for yarn? Hmmmm..

It would probably work very well with Red Heart (heh) but not so much with Malabrigo....
Gigi said…
Awww, I'm so coveting those tomatoes! And yarn? Why of course it would work. Aren't we knitters all quite virtuous folks ;-)?
NatRed2 said…
If you take a drive down 173 just b4 Richmond, there is another little farm stand/everything else including the best ever honey, that works on the honor system. Mrs G ran it that way and now her daughter does also.

I wish I could say intregrity is something that all people posessed.

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