Every other sentence is knitting.......

Tomorrow Fireman is taking me to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival!

Do not expect us to come home with a beautiful border collie; too much dog for us!

I love my new square Single points from Diane;she gave me 4s and 5s.

I'll be showing you some dog pictures; just because I enjoy photographing dogs.

I expect to buy some handspun tomorrow.

We are still working through Huck's passing; I put the metal cup measure into the washing machine today. (loud)

I need to find some more faux cashmere yarn........

I'm starting to give Radar all the people treats I used to give Huck.

It is a gorgeous day to knit outside in the sunshine, here in Chicago.

Radar is grieving the loss of his boy, Zach, so he gets treats.

Have fun at Stitches Midwest Irisheyes Lynnn and cousin Maureen.

I think I'm mastering the close ups with the camera now; do you like todays' flower?????

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Elaine said…
Oooh the flower is wonderful!

So the bag Tom won is officially mine now and I love it. We are traveling (mostly a business trip) and I took it as my purse/knitting bag. It looks great and works great, and I love it, and I am so happy that Tom won it and gave it to me for a present. I even feel trendy wearing it which gives you a picture of how geeky I am!
Katherine said…
The flower is very artsy and the photography is so good I wish I could make my camera work like that.

Mutts are always good dogs. I'm looking forward to the dog photos.

Have fun at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. Bring back lots of yummy yarn.
kathy b said…
Oh Elaine. He GAVE it to YOU! I am so happy. Have you tried the glove yet???

Katherine: Im so glad you will tolerate the dog photos! Knew you would
Anonymous said…
this is my favorite flower pic so far. and i knew you would fatten radar up after i left
kathy b said…
Zach...you are the anonymous! Thanks for the comment! you win a prize. Radar misses you. We'll bring him to see you next week.
Bianca said…
The flower is beautiful! Wish I could join you at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool festival.
Irisheyes Lynn said…
We enjoyed Stitches. Have fun at Sheep and Wool!

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