Baby leggings.......unisex


I think a baby boy could wear these with a diaper. and be dapper. Do you?

Can these only be given to a baby girl? I could be on the verge of a real social blunder, so let me know.
Save me the embarassment.

This is my taking a break from the ruffle project. Leftover yarns. 48 stitches on 1's. Rib the first ten rows.
Knit ten rows in the round then change colors. Repeat until you have 7 alternate color sections after the ribbing. Then rib in 2x2
10 more rows. Bind off.

Then give them to a baby ..........even if it is a boy.....
set me straight here please, if I am wrong.

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Katherine said…
My 6'6" very macho son-in-law asked me for some leg warmers like the ones I knitted for GD#3 for Christmas. He wears them under his trousers when he works outside in the winter. I think what's good enough for macho-man is good enough for baby boy!

On the other hand, some Dads have very strong feelings about what their baby boys wear.

That's a wishy-washy answer isn't it? LOL!
rita said…
I'd have no problem putting them on my baby boy, but since he's 34, he might have something to say about it....

They'd be great for a baby that crawls; you could even stuff some padding around the knees.
Alison said…
I'd put them on any of my babies, the current one is even a boy!
I think they will look great on a boy:)Hugs Darcy
Elaine said…
I think they are gender-neutral too. I just wouldn't make them hot pink for a boy.
Anonymous said…
no leg warmers on a baby boy wrong wrong wrong fail
Emily said…
Leg warmers on any baby is fabulous. And I think those are great boy colors. They are really wonderful when folks start crawling and diaper changes are soooo much easier than pants.
Ling said…
I think they work for both baby boys and girls.
ColorJoy LynnH said…
I say it depends on the parents, because the child doesn't have any idea of fashion rights/wrongs. Thank goodness!

As for me, they make such sense I have a hard time understanding the issue. I think all humans in places that have central heat, should have a standard clothing item called legwarmers.

But I'm known for having strong opinions. And I have worn legwarmers, in or out, since the 70's.

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