That's a lot of yarn

Before we discuss frugality, I must show you Karen's Summer Blues Tank. The pattern is in the May issue of Creative Knitting.
Karen is knitting it up with Naturally DK by Wendy. She assures me it is a very easy to memorize the pattern. Two pieces to knit and 4 seams to the finish. She is a great great knitter. And she's threatening to finish her blocks cardigan. Stay tuned for that one.

So I'm at work the other day and a nurse friend's normally naturally curly curly hair is stick straight. (I love stick straight hair!) She paid 400.00 that's FOUR hundred dollars for a protein straightening treatment. It will last almost 4 months. That's a hundred dollars a month or roughly 3 dollars a day to have effortless hair.......and it looks so healthy!

She's at a different place in her life.......I think that treatment is a whole lotta yarn.
The thought, however, of loving my hair daily for 4 months is almost tempting...

There isn't much yarn buying going on around here anyhow.
I'm about 20 inches into the 71 inch shawl.
You know I will stick right with it until it is finished. You know I am absolutely loyal to a project
until it is an FO. I am using the square needles that let me knit away without pain.

Well, I retract that absolutely loyal statement.
I am only loyal if it is going really really well and it doesn't frustrate me in the least....

BTW, Firemand and son went to see Public Enemy Number One last night.
IF you go, you will see a scene set in the Northwoods of Wisconsin at Little Bohemia.
This is the part of the midwest where I vacation.
Too bad the scene is at night and you cannot see the incredible beauty of the little lakes.

Johnny Depp in the that's a vacation thought.

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Nancy said…
I've never seen square needles. Where did you find them?

Can't wait to see the finished shawl.
Grace said…
The only one who gets my loyalty is my husband, my knitting knows I can not be monogamous. I must cheat and it kills me not to cast on everything at once. When I get to the 80% done stage I am usually loyal then, but even then there are exceptions---gifts that need knitting, sore wrists that can't deal with size 11 needles and acrylics, etc etc,
Anonymous said…
i,m to old to really care what my hair looks like and thats liberating enough for me.and yes that would buy a whole lot of yarn wich i would rather have and the yarn never seems to complain what my hair looks like.well not to my face anyway.
Birdsong said…
Glad to hear your testimonial about the square needles... we started carrying them at the shop a few months ago and I haven't tried them out yet. I thought about that treatment myself, but too pricey. Have to bear with out-of-control hair during the summer months when it is too hot to blow-dry and use the straightening iron.

I have to agree with your loyalty oath! Happy 4th, and I promise pictures of the backwards parade.
Unknown said…
That's too much yarn $$ to be spent on hair. But that's just me.

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