THe Frugal Hungarian's Irisheyes Wept

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)

When the brand new camera fell into the lake today.

And when It happened, I just stared at it in disbelief. Fireman hit the dock deck and scooped it out of the water within less than a minute.....

These things happen.

There it goes.

Our fishing guide Todd says to give it till tomorrow to dry out and see.

It is only money

I had it for just over a month.

About 20 dollars a day to enjoy it.

oh oh oh ouch.

On the knitting front, Im working on the prayer shawl. I still love knitting it up.

Huck is in great form with no further issues from 10 days ago.

It is only a camera.

One day at a time.

No images for awhile here.....

I am the one who dropped it.


Virtuous said…
Ooh goodness! I am so sorry and truly hope it dries out and it is back in working condition!!! Here is hoping with all hope!
And like you said if not it really is not about the things that pass away but cherishing the things that are eternal :)
Anonymous said…
go get a big bag about five pounds and a rubbermaid container asap fill container with dried rice bury the camera in it do not put lid on container leave in rice for about a week,then take camera out clean with a can of air wich you can get at office supplie stores.oh i forgot take out memory chip and batteries before birung these you most undoubtaly have to replace but this usally will save a camera from slight water damage it also works for cell phones if not summerged for to long.when i was at the beach a few years ago i had my one week old camera and my daughter dropped it in the sand not on purpose but it could not be recovered and the camera repair shop said it would have been better to have dropped it in the water i hope this helps save your'e camera! best of luck
Chris said…
My daughter just did that with her cell phone--actually it went through the washer. It was new phone time. Hope it's ok.
Bianca said…
I feel so sorry for your camera. I hope it dries out and the water did not distroy too much
Nancy said…
If it didn't sink, the camera might be okay when it dries, especially since it was retrieved so quickly. I would give it a good week to dry out before you try to take any photos. Just make sure all of the compartments that can open are open and let it dry out naturally, don't use a hair dryer, etc.

If it gives you issues after the week, then see if the manufacturer warranty will cover it. It is worth a try.
Deb said…
Yeah - the rice! Works like a charm with cell phones. Ask me how I know - and you don't want to know where the cell phone went. Let's just say it needed an additional rinse before hitting the rice!
Katherine said…
I am so sorry!! We have done the rice thing with numerous cell phones in our family. Silica (from a craft store) also works but makes a terrible mess so stick with rice. After a new memory card and battery it may be good as new--something to pray for during the shawl knitting!

BTW I bought a bunch of clip on wrist straps from Amazon and I clip them on everything because I am a clutz!! They have saved me a lot of tears.
Katherine said…
P.S. Good to hear that Huck is better! He has been in my shawl knitting prayers. Macy sends smoochies.
Grace said…
its only a camera, its only money, it could have been worse but even though all of that gets said it still sucks, doesn't it? Hope you can still use it, my son the photographer has used the rice trick several times for various children's cameras and it works well

Hugs to the feeling better Huck and Huck's mom!!
Elaine said…
I am coming out of lurkdom to say I understand completely and feel so sad. Tom did the same thing with his newish camera. We were going kayaking and his camera went in right at the edge, so he could scoop it right out, but it died. We didn't know about the rice thingy. Hopefully we'll never need it. I hope you're resuscitates.
Karen said…
Oh no, my eyes are weeping too!! But I'm intrigued by the rice trick. I'm sending good camera thoughts that it will work for you!
Anonymous said…
Take the rice advice. How do I know......remember when we called you from the backyard last month? Well Knag Carol left her phone outside and it rained. She did the rice thing and it worked! (battery was saved too!) Good Luck, Knag Karen
Kerry said…
And be sure not to try turning it on until it's completely dry. :-)
Emily said…

It's a shame that you won't have a working camera to document the rice thing. I really wanted to see it in action, but maybe I'll get to see the results!
anareis said…
Y doing a campaign for donations to my project of the comunitat minibiblioteca and other activities for children and adolescents in my community lacking here in Rio de Janeiro I need help of all people of good heart,you cam donate or 5.00 to 20.00 mandar on your heart,my community is very much the poor need your donation to be made by carta(correspondencia). Para donate just send me an email and i will give the address of the referral letter,my email is: Make a stream of donations and you will abençõar. Quem god gives to the poor lends to GOOD, Faça a visit to my blogs: ,i agradecida. Que GOOD bless uns all.
Jennifer said…
Oh no! I hate it when that happens. Hugs!
Marguerite said…
Sympathy on the accidental drowning of the camera.

I've seen the rice treatment work with a cell phone, so why not a camera? Please let us know what you did and how it turned out.

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