What's next? an ipod?

The new camera and I are beginning to like each other.
Did I tell you I hid it from my son the first night, because I didn't want him changing it until I understood it.
It was the only way I could sleep.
Immature? quite. Slept soundly: yup!

Photo: current shawl in Dream in color, new yarn bag : lovely gift to me from family in Thailand.
Plants: lambs ear.

So I have the new camera. AND
I succumbed to getting a cell phone.
I can text.
So what's next? an Ipod?
probably not!

next is more shawl/wrap yarn.
Thanks for the great suggestions on can't go wrong yarns.
Next is defying the cold summer start:
I have a a Slanket.....and I DO wear it.
It allows for Porch knitting.

You will NOT hear me complain about a hot humid summer.
I live for them .

How are you starting summer when the weather isn't?

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Kathryn said…
Um, yes. An iPod. I wish to be buried with mine. I am looking forward to an iPhone. You just got a cell? Oy gavalt. Love you. PS Surfer dude is still waiting for cookies. Hint: snickerdoodles. Love you, Bouf.
Turtle said…
lol, that's how i feel about technology! Hubby tried for years to get me digital, now i love it! and texting, lol, please do not call me, just txt! As for the ipod, i love it on the base to play and am still getting used to having it at other times... but it is growing. (I have language learning classes, i books, etc on it as well as music) enjoy your new toy!
Ling said…
Gotta love technology! I only have my cell (not an iphone) and my digital camera, and they're enough for me.

I do wish summer would start here - still cold and very wet.
Anonymous said…
I'll complain enough about a hot humid summer for the both of us. I hate summer and love winter. But then, I live in Texas where it is really, really hot.
Karen said…
You are too cute!!! I really should send you my old iPod shuffle. I have a new iPod now - and just bought an iPhone with my casino winnings . . . so I should give you my shuffle. :) Wonder where it is??
Jane said…
I have an I-POd and we've bonded in a serious way. I use the camera, I use the applications. now they've threatened us with a new version that has a built-in video camera. How cruel is that?
Birdsong said…
Our summer has started off very cool and much wetter than normal. We are used to hot, dry summers around here but this has been nice. I thought about getting an Iphone, but don't have enough time in my day to download podcasts!
JustApril said…
I have to hide certain things, too. Just got a WiiFit and refuse to share it yet =) and I hide the good Scotch.
Unknown said…
Just get an iphone! That's a two-fer.

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