Is it a sin to frog a prayer shawl?

Before I wove in a few ends, I was being pretty hard on myself about this prayer shawl. I knit it for my Aunt Kathleen. It is pretty small, but will cover shoulders nicely. I started to ponder frogging it.

Something seemed wrong about frogging a prayer shawl. But, I wondered, where do the prayers go if I frog it? I asked Fireman, who responded philosophically : 'dont know.' Then I asked Zach and he said, philosophically: "to the frogs."

How can anyone not like a prayer shawl knitted for them while you prayed for them, even if it came out small?

I was afraid I'd run out of yarn so at one point I added some scrap yarns. I was pretty safe with my color choices: Greens are safe with purple and another deeper purple looked alright too.

I asked St. Francis to model the shawl for the blog today.

Have you frogged a prayer shawl? I'm still unclear about the rules........:)

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Angel said…
It is a really pretty shawl... I love the colors!
Turtle said…
i like it. What if you picked up along the edge and did a lace style design on the edge to make it a bit larger...with more prayers??
Anonymous said…
umm frogging it seems wrong like all the prayers will come unraveled also better a small prayer then no prayer at all
Bianca said…

The prayers are not wasted if you decide to frog the shawl. Honest. They are sent to the Lord above, on behalf of the one you are praying for. It is a powerful tool, my friend. Praying while knitting the shawl helps to relax, find a rhythm in your prayers.
Jennifer said…
Prayers are never wasted. The way I see it you have 2 options - give this to a prayer shawl ministry who will donate it to someone smaller (child perhaps?) or frog it and reknit it. Those prayers will help no matter what you choose.
PurlingPirate said…
I'd like to think that the prayers would be released into the universe and spread to all!!
kathy b said…
Purling Pirate,

That is a wonderful idea....but I don't think I'll frog it now! new dilemna: am I denying the universe?????
kathy b said…

I appreciate the suggestion for a border.....hmmmm. I have a week before I give the gift....
This begs the question: if I end up swearing while I knit the lace border, as long as I do not say the name in vain, is it still a prayer shawl???
Kim said…
I love the shawl being modeled by St. Francis!
Grace said…
its beautiful and no I haven't frogged one but I think that the lucky recipient winds up with double the prayers!!
Lynn said…
I saw a pattern for a plain baby blanket with a lace edging that you knit seperately and then sewed it on. Wish I knew where I saw it now ! Hate when I don't mark a pattern I like and then want it. You could leave it like it is, try knitting a band of lace, if you like it add it on and iof you don't nothing lost. Have you thought if adding a fringe to it? That would add length not only to how it looks but will also pull it down and stretch it a little and that too will help. If you have yarn from the striped section, you can use that. Do let us know what you end up deciding and post a picture please. We are all eagerly awaiting your decision !
Virtuous said…
I think it will be appreciated no matter one!! I really like it too!
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I love the shawl so I say dont frog it.Also you are the winner of the greek deli coffee cup kit please send me your full name and adress to give to StoneMason.Congratulations Darcy
Katherine said…
It's a beautiful shawl. Such pretty colors. Why frog it? I think if you did though that the prayers have already served their purpose. You could frog it and knit it again and have a double prayer shawl! Also, small triangle shawls are in!!
Prayers are never wasted but I wouldn't frog it. It's beautiful as is! But the people who suggested adding lace borders to make it larger have the right idea.
And then again, sometimes we just need something over our shoulders & back of the neck to keep the chill off and your aunt may very well appreciate that. Go with you gut feelings.
Kathryn said…
It's not a sin, I'm pretty sure. Taking pleasure in immodest dress IS a sin, but frogging seems to entail adding something, rather than taking it away. I will leave a message for Sister Mary Martha on her blog just to double check. Remember, frogs are God's creatures too. Even St. Martin de Porres befriended the rats in his prison cell, which is why he is the patron saint of rats. Also, children of mixed race (hello, Obama!) and hairdressers. Mainly because he was a child of mixed race and a hairdresser. It ain't rocket science. xo Sister Kate
Donna Boucher said…
I am almost positive...

the Bible is mum on knitting and frogging ;o)

But pray.

Always a good thing!
Elaine said…
I think the shawl is lovely and would agree that you should not frog it. As for is it a sin - I'm in the camp that prayer is never wasted and if you frog and reknit, then there are double prayers which could not hurt.

But I think frogging would be a waste because of the beauty of the colors. If you crochet or can get someone who does, you could add a crochet border easily to enlarge to whatever size you want. Come visit to NJ and I'll do it for you :-) (and I'll add my own prayers which can only multiply yours)

And I don't even think the size is so bad to be honese.
Birdsong said…
I just looked at the fringed, final version and am so glad you didn't frog it! I do know exactly what you are going through... I have a half-made one, out of yarn I hate, and it sits on stitch holders simply because I haven't dealt with my issues around frogging it. I am pretty sure the prayers went out to the person right straight along though.
Unknown said…
It's knitting. There are no rules!

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