Easter Candy Knitting

We broke into the jelly beans last night. I need a sugar rush to stay sharp when I knit lace late in the day. I ate about 10 in an hour.

The lovely Peep Van Gogh is courtesy of Jessie at Cakespy. She gave me permission to use it on the blog today. Cakespy is a cyber snack for me. Google it and enjoy great tips on bakeries everywhere.

Peeps are not as clean to eat while knittng.

Apparently chocolate bunnies are mostly gone in the Chicagoland area. We are a creme egg family now, not a solid bunny family.

WHat kind of family are you??
I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Katherine said…
I had yellow Peeps for breakfast this morning! Other than my wild Peep passion our family are Cadbury Egg lovers--and that's no yolk. Please forget I said that!!
Ling said…
We don't get peeps in the UK, so I don't know what I'm missing out on. My family are all chocolate lovers - eggs, rabbits, creme eggs, everything. Me - I'm sick of chocolate!
Irisheyes Lynn said…
We are a Dove chocolate bunny family. Happy Easter!
Grace said…
Cadbury mini eggs, the malty tasting kind! And anything Gertrude Hawkes and Jelly Belly Popcorn Flavored Jelly Beans
Beverly said…
I'm a Peepster for sure, but not so much since the diabetes. I used to get several packages of them every holiday. I liked them so much that even one of my co-workers used to by them for me as soon as they appeared at the store. I'm a family of one so I had no problem indulging my habit.
Jolynn said…
I love Reese's peanut butter eggs!!! Haha.
Deb said…
Dove Dark Chocolate Solid Bunny!!

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