
I like to keep the tone of this blog humorous for the most part. Clever. Fun. I've found that I need to cultivate humor in order to be humorous. Some of the ways I try to give my humor a good workout include:

(while knitting of course)

*Listening to CarTalk on NPR

*Watching 30Rock

*Reading the comics

*having inside jokes with friends, just based on our history and funny things that have happened.

*being with my Irish side. They are effortless story tellers and so easy to find humor.

*watching old I Love Lucy shows

*really believing that I God has a sense of humor.......

*going to comedy shows and to comedian shows.

In these ways I can find the funny in our everyday or at list the wit in it.

So, I promise you knitting and limericks...tis the season!

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Karen said…
Oh yes, 30Rock and I Love Lucy. :) And for me, The Office too. And my little kitty, who just cracks me up. Thank you for a funny, entertaining blog that always lifts my spirits.
Grace said…
what are you knitting in the picture and what yarn is it????
Anonymous said…
Oh I can't wait for the limericks. I love Car Talk and am reminded every tax season that God certainly has a sense of humor!
Unknown said…
God DEFINITELY has a sense of humor. Why else would there be a platypus???
Bernadette said…
Beautiful yarn... I also wonder what it is you are making... lovely colors and pattern!
Marcia said…
What you need is a battery-powered Homer Simpson. Guaranteed to keep you in stitches....
kathy b said…
Oh, the bag that is being knitted is not mine. Im sorry there are no good new things to show you when you SLOW knit!

A friend at my LYS was knitting this little bag and I thought the colors were lovely. Glad you all agree. Plus the sparkle of the diamond looks so good with the sparkle of the yarn.
Beverly said…
If laughter is the best medicine you should live a long life.
Kim said…
Mmmm...I love the thing you're knitting. Reminds me of raspberry fizz or some summer ice cream treat.

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