
I use the # key quite a bit. I'm a list maker.

I will knit more slowly. As I read about others' hand/wrist/arm/shoulder/neck issues, many say SLOW DOWN.

I'm going to work (Ha! it is play) to bring you images of interest. Do you really want to see slow knit progress?

The bags I'm showing you on this post are too cute. And too expensive. Let's just say between 100 and 200 dollars.

I am going to stop letting the monkey sleep with me.
I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Anonymous said…
Holy Toledo! Those are cute bags, but $100 plus? That's a major investment for a knitting bag.

Every blogger's dilemma is what to do about half-finished-project photos! (I guess that is why I don't post more than once a week). I prefer to see a mixture of finished projects and other images of interest--like Huck. Smoochies to Huck!
Unknown said…
Oooohhhh!!!! I love lists. But my to do one is just too long these days!
♥ellie♥ said…
I adore lists. And those bags. I agree about the pictures of half finished projects. Although it is kind of nice for me at least to be able to look back and know that though it doesn't feel like it I actually cam making progress.

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