Kitty Knit Therapy

Without boring you all with the arm issues, I'll just say : Fiona, knows exactly where it hurts. She lays on this part of my arm while I am keyboarding. I do believe that animals know us well when they live with us.

Isn't the Patons gorgeously bright? My sweet nieghbor Mary spent the holidays in Austrailia and bought it for me there. I am able to knit for short periods on my size one needles, so this will be on the needles next. Al figured out why the log cabin is so difficult on my arm. You pick up stitches every 7th row and picking up is tough on hands/arms. No more log cabin knitting for a good long while. Oh dear, I just bored you with arm issue talk again. No more!

How many passwords do you have for things? I have so many that I cannot easily keep track of them. The most recently lost is my ETSY password. I'm tired of needing a password for every darn thing. It is too late to start being smart as the rest of you who use One password with a different number attatched or something simple that I needed to know a long time ago.
So As much as I love ETSY I am done with passwords. I'm only calling and ordering over the phone. Yes this limits my horizons, but Im trying to simplify with things that aggravate me.

I did love the game show Password, however. I was really good at playing it. Go ahead , whisper.....the passord is.....

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Irisheyes Lynn said…
Cute picture! Hope your arm is better soon.
Anonymous said…
Animals absolutely know when something's up. My dogs can tell when I'm down or feeling sick.
Beverly said…
Hope she keeps it nice and warm.

I'm gradually switch to one password at home. It's a difficult one so I'm not anticipating any problems.

As an IT person, between work and home passwords were driving me crazy.
Heather said…
Sweet kitty! Passwords are a pain in the same way mammograms are. Aggravating and necessary.
Anonymous said…
I love the color of the sock yarn

passwords suck- I have a "group" of them and switch them around as necessary. But they still suck.
evergreenknits said…
What a sweet kitty!! And I love that you captured the moment in a photo, too.

I'm super unsafe and use pretty much the same couple of passwords for everything. But at least that way I don't have to write them down to remember!
Ling said…
The kitty is gorgeous. The sock yarn is gorgeous and socks are small and portable, so hopefully, it won't hurt the arm too much.

I hate passwords too - I have a few which I use on most things. Don't get me started on pin numbers either.
Jennifer said…
Awww - love the cat. Hope you're feeling better soon. It's such a drag not to knit. I indulge in a great massage therapist to remove the knitting knots from my shoulders, neck, arms and hands. Plus I do some exercises - the doorway stretch is my favorite. It really opens up my knitting muscles. I'll have to figure out a way to show this one to you. Maybe it will help?
Karen said…
What great therapy!! I'm pleased to say I'm typing this comment with the best kitty in the world snuggling on my lap. :)

I'm just have a few passwords that I re-use depending on the site. I can usually keep them straight, but I have a "cheat sheet" just in case.
Anonymous said…
What a loving little kitty! Pet therapy is the best. Macy always knows just what to do to make it better.

I'm a one password person. I would never remember more than that even though I'm told the multi-password way is safer.
Anonymous said…
Passwords? Too many. I tend to use the same one over and over, which I know is sort of taboo, but really, I'm not sure anyone would be that interested in busting into the places that I go that are password protected.
Get better, Kathyb's arm.
I know it is so confusing to remember all my passwords ugh.Hugs Darcy
Alpaca Granny said…
Oh, no, you can't give up on Etsy.
I cannot imagine live without my 4 legged....
Unknown said…
I have a couple of passwords I use. Then, there are variations of those. Different capital letters or numbers in front of the words. It is a pain though!

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