The Make a Warm Hat for Charity Contest

I've been wanting to organize a swap for awhile now. I had some fun ideas, but in the end, I've decided I'd just like to ask for Warm Hats for adults and children. Beautiful warm hats. Sometimes we just need a little tiny nudge to do a little something extra. The weather here gets pretty brutal in the winter months. Locally, we are connected with several shelters in the city and they are asking for warm hats for those in need.

I have some wonderful yarny prizes that I'll award to some lucky knit donors. This is just one of the prizes: It is Vermont Maple handpainted lace weight, donated by the very generous Anne P. at Wooly Wonka Fibers. Her blog is HowTheWestWasSpun. She was swift and sweet in her response to my asking her for a yarn donation. She sent about 10 various wonderful skeins for this cause.

Let's make them really pretty okay? You have until January 5th (the day the tree comes down around here, and the time when the winter blasts go into full swing) to mail me a hat. This means you can win some wonderful yarn, stitch markers and other knit goodies that will arrive after your Tree/decorations etc come down too. I'm making some fun stitch markers for the giveaway. I'll also be donating some other fun goodies on my own, to give away to you generous knitters.

Please send a nice warm hat to me at:

Kathy Boyer
2001 Glenview Road
Glenview Illinois 60025

I'll be showing at least one prize per week.

Im still thinking about the prize categories. More to come. One thing is certain, the prettiest/most handsome hat will certainly win a prize.

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Anonymous said…
A lovely (and loving) idea!! I would love to send hats. You know I am all about hats!
Anonymous said…
Do the hats have to be "wool only" or can they be acrylic as well? Also, may I donate a prize for your cause?
Grace said…
I;m in!
NatRed2 said…
Kathy what a great idea!
I won't get in on your contest but I love that you're doing this. I always do hats for the homeless. I am making fleece hats this year instead of knitting them.
kathy b said…

I think some acrylic for the children sizes would be nice. They often complain of the itch factor. I know yours would be darling.
THANK you for donating a prize. You are all wonderful, and I always knew it, but want to say it again!

Irisheyes Lynn just donated 2 STR skeins to the cause. THanks Lynn.
LizzieK8 said…
I've pledged to make 50 warm hats by Valentine's Day (23 finished) to send to the Native Americans at the Cheyenne River Reservation in Eagle Butte, SD. Warm heads are important everywhere!

Have fun with your contest and best of luck to all the participants.
I'll help. I have a hat already made that ended up being too small for me. I would love for it to be given to someone who really needs it. I'll see what else I can up with also.
kathy b said…
Lizzie K! Wonderful goal you have set for YOURSELF. Amazing. 23 done already? I admire you!
Anonymous said…
I'm in. And can I donate yarn for prizes?
kathy b said…
Laura! Thank you so much. Yes you can donate a prize. Your a doll. :)
Donna Boucher said…
I'll try to get my stuff together.

I can knit.
It's sending things in the mail that totally blows me out of the water.

My sister's dish towel is still sitting on my couch.

Elaine said…
Hi Kathy,

Last year I did more than a dozen baby caps for a charity. Do you want new-born ones, young kids, big kids, adults (men, women) or is the answer yes to any and all. Also, for the newborn ones they specifically wanted non-wools because of washability and also allergies. Any restrictions here?

Hope all is well with you.
kathy b said…

Good to hear from you. Im avoiding restrictions, so no baby or premie hats please. Otherwise, the sky is the lmit and thanks!
Anonymous said…
Count me in!!I'll be glad to do it, win or not!
Tally Knits said…
I'm in! Been wanting to do something for the homeless and this is the kick I needed to actually get on it and do it. I posted this to my blog in hopes of getting you more hats.
Jennifer said…
What a great idea. I'll see what I can find for a hat worthy of the Chicago FRIGID winters.
I saw that you were doing this on Wool Windings. I have a hat I'd like to contribute. I'll post it to my blog soon. When I do my Christmas package mailings, I'll put one in the mail for you! Thanks for organizing this!
Anonymous said…
I've got a bunny hat that I made for Ellie that she never wore! I was so sad that no baby got to wear it - can I send it to you so that it can find a home?
Taylin said…
Do multiple hats count as multiple entries?
I found this post with your address I will print it off and give it to friends who might like to send knitted hats and put it in my purse for when I send mine off to you.Hugs Darcy
I have finished my first hat and linked to the contest on my ravelry group knotty knitter as well as my blog hope it helps.Hugs Darcy
I knit an earflap hat it was to guage but came out ginormous so I felted it:)Hugs Darcy
Tom said…
Iam in knitting up a hat as I speak the wife (knottyknitter40) is very

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