Guest Blogger Chimney Sweep Jim

Fireman's wife here wanting to remind all you knitters by the fire, get your chimney cleaned now before the sweeps are all booked .

Guess who is knitting by the fire tonight?????????? Are you?
I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Sounds cozy looks like the chimney sweep likes a good yarn:)Hugs Darcy
Anonymous said…
He is so cute and he looks like a chimney sweep! (Some don't). Here in Texas we are still a couple months away from knitting by the fire. Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
I *WISH* we had a fireplace that needed swept. It just doesn't get cold enough here for a fire. I have a gas firepit in my backyard though. Does it count?
Beverly said…
My beloved gramp was a chimney sweep--he believed that you should "say a prayer and touch a sweep, and you will have good luck all week"!

It's almost time for a fire in the fireplace at our house, too!
rita said…
We have a wood stove that hasn't been used in three years. It dries the air so much, and we both have respiratory problems, so I talked Tom into not using is again this year. We keep the thermostat set to 62 or so to try to keep costs down.

But knitting by a fire in an actual fireplace sounds like fun as I sit here in my sweats and still have cold feet!
Jolynn said…
Ooh... I wish we had a fireplace... Hot chocolate, warm fire, a good movie and knitting... That sounds like my idea of a great evening.
Jennifer said…
Looks just like I remember from Mary Poppins. BTW - the new musical is charming (with a new great tune). Catch it if you get a chance.
Anonymous said…
Did he sing and go up the chimney to the rooftops? Because that would be awesome.

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