There are no bad answers Contest

I'll ask questions on each post for the next week. The more questions you answer the more chances you get to win this Great Adirondack mohair/wool/ribbon yarn. It is a gift just waiting to be knitted for someone.

Today's questions start the contest:

#1 Besides Meeting Major Knitter this week, I tried a new knitting thing this week. What did I try for the first time?

#2 I saw a certain bird in my yard twice yesterday. Can you guess what it was?

See, these aren't hard. But you gotta play to win!

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Birdsong said…
I'm kinda bad at synthesizing info from my brief passes through, but here goes:
1. Top-down knitting
2. Cardinal

I will keep trying! My philosophy is better to be wrong than a lurker.
Cookey_knits said…
Yay a contest I love them
1. Top down knitting
2. Blue Jay
Bianca said…
1. Top down knitting
2. Blue Heron
evergreenknits said…
Hmm, I'm going to copy everyone's first answer, since I'm guessing that somebody must have some insider info ...

But I'll do a different bird: owl

Also, just wanted to let you know that I posted about your contest on WiKnit!
Anonymous said…
1. Two socks at a time?
2. A Hawk
Karen said…
Wow, you were so inspired by MajorKnitter that you are knitting Fair Isle? Good for you. I hope the ostrich in your yard likes it too! :)
Turtle said…
Hmmm, it's top down knitting (i love it!) and i want to guess blue jay as well as they have been swarming my yard, but so have the hummingbirds so, ducks??
Anonymous said…
1. Top down knitting
2. A swallow

Thanks for the contest! Debbie
Anonymous said…

1. washing the star buttons on the new sweater

2. a robin?

1. top down knitting

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