There are no bad answers contest day #6

Just a few days left to the contest. Today's questions for those playing along are:

#15 How do YOU do a SSK?

#16 Do you pack a lunch for work? If so, what do you pack?

#17 If the person at work in the breakroom is eating a tuna fish sandwich, how do you react?

#18 I've injured my fingers making guacamole, (stitches required) and holding a recent big Bass by the lip. Have you injured an important knitting finger, and if so HOW!

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Turtle said…
15: I slip as if to knit twice then from the reverse side (left needle) do a knit.

16: usualy salad or a tuna salad that gets eaten on ww crackers.

17: lol, k, want some gum before you go back to that next client?

18: yup, sliced right through the fingernail into the nailbed with a big knife that slipped when cutting sweet potatoes for fries.
Woven Spun said…
#15 How do YOU do a SSK?
slip 1 as if to purl, slip the next as if to purl, then knit both together

#16 Do you pack a lunch for work? If so, what do you pack?
I work at home....the kitchen is my break room. LOL

#17 If the person at work in the breakroom is eating a tuna fish sandwich, how do you react?
We love tuna sandwiches here at the Casa of Chaos and often eat it for lunch. I do have to some times dole out some breathmints afterwards though :)

#18 I've injured my fingers making guacamole, (stitches required) and holding a recent big Bass by the lip. Have you injured an important knitting finger, and if so HOW!
OUCH!!!!!!! Using very sharp knitting needles, I have poked a hole in my right index finger pad while pushing the needle away while trying to slide stitches to the point of the left needle.
Bianca said…
15 How do YOU do a SSK? I knit the stitches together through the back loop (am not a continental knitter)

#16 Do you pack a lunch for work? If so, what do you pack?
No. I am a stay at home mom... so I eat at home.

#17 If the person at work in the breakroom is eating a tuna fish sandwich, how do you react?

YUM! And I'll make sure to get me one also

#18 I've injured my fingers making guacamole, (stitches required) and holding a recent big Bass by the lip. Have you injured an important knitting finger, and if so HOW!

Yes. I slit the top of my index finger while cleaning a meat slicing machine, now 9 years ago. Painful. Couldn't knit for a month
Anonymous said…
15: I slip as if to knit unless told in the instructions to do otherwise. Is there a right/wrong way?

16: I have salad or soup for lunch, and pack or buy is about 50/50.

17: If there is a tuna sandwich around I'll arm wrestle someone for it!

18: I used to slice fingers while chopping a lot until I got the new handy-dandy food processor.

I love this question-along thing! It's fun to read all the answers.
Karen said…
I slip the first stitch knit-wise, the second stitch purl-wise, and then knit them together through the back loop. Don't remember where I learned that tip.

Eat at home, usually a big salad w/ chicken and cheese on top and a piece of fruit.

Yum, love tuna. I'd probably react be craving tuna and bringing it the next day.

Nnnnooooo, never hurt a knitting finger. You poor dear. Buy your guacamole from now on, and heal up soon!!!
#15 How do YOU do a SSK?On the knit side slip both knitwise then knit them together threw the backloop.

#16 Do you pack a lunch for work? If so, what do you pack?big bottle of water and a fiber one bar;)I keep lunches light.

#17 If the person at work in the breakroom is eating a tuna fish sandwich, how do you react?I ask how they make there tuna fish:)

#18 I've injured my fingers making guacamole, (stitches required) and holding a recent big Bass by the lip. Have you injured an important knitting finger, and if so HOW!
Opening a can of chunky turkey that had the pull back tab.

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