Day #3 There are no bad answers contest

In order:

"Stay thirsty my friends," the DOS EQiUOS man.
Knitted for 44 miniutes.

Today's questions will be mutliple choice. I was always an essay question fan myself, but I thought we'd mix it up a bit for fun.

6) Having finished another gift cowl last night, I cast-on a new:

a) cowl, because it's Christmas in July you know
b) raglan top-down sweater, because there's nothing like knitting a sweater when its 90 degrees out
c) pair of socks because the yarn from Major Knitter Jennifer is too much to resist.

7) This year I'll

a) Go to Stitches and walk myself silly in the Market as usual
b) Go to Stitches and take a class in finishing techniques
c) Skip Stitches this year and find a new Yarn shop

8) Someone in our house got a short short haircut today. Was it:

a) fireman , because vacation is almost over and you don't want to be told to get a haircut
b) Me! I couldn't stand the heat and cut even more off
c) Huck. Because who needs those feathers anyway?

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Bianca said…
6) Having finished another gift cowl last night, I cast-on a new:

c) pair of socks because the yarn from Major Knitter Jennifer is too much to resist.

7) This year I'll

a) Go to Stitches and walk myself silly in the Market as usual

8) Someone in our house got a short short haircut today. Was it:

a) fireman , because vacation is almost over and you don't want to be told to get a haircut
Irisheyes Lynn said…
Cute picture! I hope you're not skipping Stitches!
Turtle said…
very cute pic!

6. i am thinking c but answering a!

7. b , although c would be fun too!

8. a, if he is anything like my hubby!
Karen said…
i hope it isn't too late to join in...
6) B. I don't want to be the only one knitting a sweater in this heat. Of course I won't start until the 8th.
7) A. Walk yourself silly!
8) C. I'd love see a picture of Huck after a shearing! You could spin and knit with his "feathers".
Kristen said…
I'll guess:

c) socks

b) take a finishing techniques class

c) fireman
Ling said…
My guesses:
c) socks - I'd cast on immediately too, that is ,lovely yarn
b) Finishing class - I'd recommend it! It revolutionised my knitting!
a) Fireman!
Olivia said…
Such a good picture of you! And the socks are coming along great
All of the above. ;-)
Anonymous said…
6. c - can't pass up on irresistible yarn.

7. a - who doesn't do this?

8. c.

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