
Confetti sock number 1 and a Saturday Sky. I'm a guest to SS.

Lack of posts due to : Son using Macbook for finals. ( I tell him to lighten up and go play, but he knows I just want to post)

I found myself a bit shakey yesterday. Trying to finish up a little tissue holder for my Minnesota sis on size one's was difficult. I've also been working the sock on 1's. I drink too much caffeine etc etc but I dont think that will change. I think I just need a heftier needle in my hands. (Maybe a glass of wine?)

I'm a bit shakey on a few other things lately too:

my Cubbies. I've been down this road before.
Big Brown's upcoming Triple Crown attempt.....scared for that horse.

is anything making you shakey?

I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Grace said…
I have had the heebie jeebies for days now, drives me nuts, because I never really know why!!! The 5th it will be 3 years since my son and granddaughter desserted us so that could be part of it, you know unseen demons lurking in the shadows

worried too I won't get to vote for my own shawl in the Little Knits contest because we leave for a computerless vacation Friday night!

Oh well hopefully enough of my cyber friends will vote I will come up a winner of something!
Bianca said…
Hmmm... Not shakey, but uncomfortable is a better word... with thunderstorms. Ah well... they expect some for later this afternoon and I hope that everyone will be home by that time. Only dh is not... he has a late shift.
I hope you got over the shakes. I hate feeling that way. I always call it a "feeling of dread" and it freaks my husband out because he has seen it be rather accurate in the past.
Unknown said…
Turbulence. And public speaking. VERY SHAKY!

Hope you feel better soon. And maybe less caffeine.

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