What a prize I've won!

Bernadette from Hookenonknitting.blogspot.com sent me these flowered spring fingerless. I think they are the cutest fingerless I've ever seen. What a prize. I was really thrilled when I opened her prize package. She also sent some great I LOVE 2 KNIT pins/buttons, some angel soap, and a new notepad and pen. Nothing thrills me more than a new notepad and pen. I haven't gotten the hang of a computer sticky note or a hand held devices that need tiny fingers to type on.

Bernadette writes a great blog that I frequent regularly. Go leave her a comment on MY new lavendar fingerless mitts.

Thanks for everyone's fixation comments. Maybe my wrists aren't fading afterall. I had no idea it hurts so many of us to knit with fixation. I'm continuing to rotate this week, to see if it helps. Rotation rotation rotation....
do you know kathy b loves tornado pictures? Funnel clouds mesmorize me. sorry.


Irisheyes Lynn said…
Very pretty! You are a lucky knitter!
Bernadette said…
So glad you like the mitts! :) Great photo! The pattern is free for anyone who wants to make them... http://hometown.aol.com/hookedonknitting/page3.html Enjoy!!
Bea said…
those are awesome mitts. How lucky are you?
Alyssa said…
Those are so cute!
Birdsong said…
What adorable mitts! I hadn't realized other people were hurting using Fixation, but I had noticed that my knitting goes a lot slower than with other yarns... hmmm.
Anonymous said…
I love the way the mitts curve at the wrist. Very Edwardian! I will give Bernadette high praise.
Sue said…
They look gorgeous on you! :-)
admin said…
very good site thank you

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