Guess why?

I'm giving away a little stash.

First one to ask, gets the kidsilk haze in blue. It is a full skein, just tag missing.
First one to ask gets the lace green/purple yarn.
First one to ask gets a skein of Misty Alpaca.

All the usual apply: non smoking household, kept away from beloved pets etc.

If any of you guess the reason for the giveaway, you win a special stash giveaway not to be revealed........

let the guesses begin!


Karen said…
Hmmmm, I going to guess it's because you are so sick of the cold gray winter and it's so depressing. And because you are such a sweet person, you decided to give away some prizes to brighten up other peoples days. And we can all wish spring was here together.
Ling said…
Hmmm - you are giving away stash because:
1 - you are a kind and generous soul
2 - there is an important milestone round the corner

Such yummy yarn too!!
Debbie said…
Three weeks to St. Patrick's Day!!! My favorite holiday because my birthday is the next day.
Anonymous said…
I'm guessing you are celebrating March...Irish eyes are smiling! And maybe you are celebrating National Nutrition Month (I'm a nutritionist...can you tell?) or you are just a great person wanting to spread fibers around the world. Cheers!
Grace said…
its a milestone of some kind on your blog, either x amount of posts or comments or to drum up lots more comments!!! Whatever the reason you are just showing what a wonderful generous person I first hand know you to be!!!!!
Grace said…
oh i love Alpaca am I supposed to ask here??? if so I am asking
Anonymous said…
No smoking, no weird yarn-eating pets - etc. I'm asking!! I'm just a knitter who loves, loves, loves blues and green, so the blue alpaca and the blue lace sound scrumptious.
Anonymous said…
Wait, I just had a brain flash....your cat has developed a wool allergy? YOU have developed a wool allergy? After all, the rubber chicken loves acrylic!
kathy b said…
You are all so sweet and funny.
Grace gets the Alpaca.
JoAnn the blue lace is all yours.

Still up for grabs is the pretty purple/green lace.

No one is anywhere near the reason for the giveaway. Ling, you are as vague as a horoscope! hahahahah.

Keep guessing. I may give up a clue.....
Ling said…
Fortune cookie - maybe?

It's your birthday....
kathy b said…
Pat K said…
Oh gad, I'm so late. Is there any yarn left to be had? Let's see, guessing time...Blogiversary? Somebody's birthday or anniversary? St Patrick's day coming up? Middle of Lent? Huck is celebrating something? Am I even close?
The Yarn Nut said…
Did you give up buying yarn for Lent so you are giving it away?
Did you cat have kittens?
Is it an anniversary for kicking the smoking habit?
kathy b said…
OH so fun to read the guesses. Pat K. if you want the purple green lace skein it is yours. Yes? NO?''

YOU are the closest with a guess so far as well. Read through the others and you will be closer to knowing why, through process of elimination......
Pat K said…
Yes! Can't believe nobody wanted the yarn before me. I'll be sending you an email tonight. Thank you! whatever the mystery reason is!
Pat K said…
I love puzzles. Leap year.
Bianca said…
Of course I am too late, to find out that you are giving yarn away. LOL! But the reason? I don't know... maybe it is your way to beat the winter out of the US and change it for Spring ;-) Would be a good reason for me though. I'd love to see some snow ;-)
Unknown said…
Pretty! Pretty! How generous are you!?!?!?!?

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