
Thanks everyone who quickly reassured me that blogger is indeed, in most cases, accepting comments on this knit blog.
It was a secret contest. Random number generator on son's calculator picked comment number 8. Hooray Bev! You win. Bev has been a frequent, loyal reader of irisheyes. Go to comment number 8. Click on Bev! She's an amazing knitter. I am offering some prizes for Bev to choose among. A subscription to a knit magazine of her choice or coffee goodies.

Another random thing: I paid it forward in 3 ways. Bianca from Lansinglerland asked for volunteers last fall. I just got round to paying it forward. It was fun! If anyone would like to try this, It is really fun. In the quest to pay if forward, I bought some library books for the unit I work on. Siblings of sick babies have a poor selection of books to keep them busy while they wait out the visit. I've decided to volunteer at my library at the used book desk a bit. I can KNIT while I volunteer.

I have some concerns about Knitting the Family heirloom throw. WHat am I going to show you for the months it will take me to knit it? I really try hard to keep the images Knit related. Do you prefer this?

Random image: Al skating at Millenium park on a random Saturday with her Auntie Deb. Wearing a nice scarf, she knit!


Pat K said…
You are sneaky indeed! Congratulations to the winner.
Beverly said…
You are so sneaky! Thanks for the surprise. I don't drink coffee so it'll have to be a mag.

Tell Al I'm jealous. Forget Oprah, I want to see Millenium Park.
Anonymous said…
That is a tough one...I don't mind the Secenes from Your life. You could always demonstrate what the Heirloom Throw would be if you bound off that week (skirt, cape, valence). Or just have a bunch of side projects and accept that the thing is going to take years and years of your life.
~Kristie said…
Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.

I like knitting photos AND photos of your life. Whatever you show is fine. I'll be here.
Donna Boucher said…
Will you share the three prayer you learned with me.
I would love to hear them.
Bianca said…
Hi Kathy

I answered your question...LOL! Al is lucky - here we just have rain, rain, rain.
I am working on your Pay it Forward gift...it is still a surprise, but it will be sent soon.
Olivia said…
I just lost that scarf at school! So sad, but at least we have the picture to remember it by. Oops, there it goes!

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