Message in the Snow

In an apparent desperate attempt for comments, Kathy B diligently worked this message into the snow with her bare finger on a 24 degree afternoon in Chciago. It is plea. A plea for help.

Seriously friends, Jen an old friend from a knitgroup I used to visit, left me a message via my email. She says she has been trouble leaving me comments. Have you been having any trouble?

Would you leave me a comment here if you aren't having issues? Please email me at if you are having issues.

One other thing, I noticed on my profile that it says my interests are knitting and Afghanastan. I noticed on a few of YOUR profiles that many of us have a strange interest in "Afghanastan" What's going on here? Emily at Yarn Miracle has had someone fiddling with her site as wel. Please help us figure this out. MANY blog thanks.


Karen said…
I don't comment as often as I should . . . but I've never had a problem leaving a comment for you.
Cheryl said…
This is the first time I've commented, but I thought I would give it a shot to help you out. Really enjoy reading your blog, thanks!
Anonymous said…
Commenting is working... I wish there was more snow where I lived..
Suburban prep said…
As far as I know there hasn't been a problem commenting.
In regards to where you live though go down to the profile area and switch it and then click off to the side for it to hold. I has happened to me often.
Beth said…
I've been off reading and commenting everywhere. Call it blog ennui... or Rogue the time suck.
PurlingPirate said… this thing on?

no problem here!
RC said…
hello? hello? testing 1,2,3
coming out of lurkdom, comments seem to be fine. going back to my corner now
Beverly said…
Still here. Too busy on Ravelry will check back later.
~Kristie said…
....can you hear me now????
Pat K said…
Nope, never had a problem commenting that I recall. And the Afghanistan thing -- I found it came up on my own profile. Seems it's the profile default, or something, but it just needs to be reset.
Karen said…
We had a dusting overnight too. I haven't checked my profile settings, maybe I should.
Anonymous said…
You're making me cold. I'll comment anytime you want, just put your mitten back on!

(Blogger comments were messed up for me for a while - and I am glad they added the URL back to the "nickname" option. How is anyone supposed to know which emily I am without the URL?)
Anonymous said…
I read this everyday. I too used to go to the knitting group. I haven't seen a post from Alyssa since Nov. and hope all is well. I read hers and Jens too and there hasn't been any from Jen lately either and hope she is okay. I wondetr if they have new sites I don't know about. Hope the post comments go thru now.
Dawn said…
I don't seem to have a problem either. Snow! Love it!
Bianca said…
Hi. Lucky you, being able to write in the snow. Here it is sunny and dry at the moment - yesterday was storm and rain. LOL! Time for new mittens? (just kidding)
Bernadette said…
Hi Kathy! Had no prob leaving a comment on the Garden Party Blanket post, but then it took forever to get the comment page to load for this one... go figure. Was about to give up and send an email when it finally loaded. Thing is, I am not sure if it's Blogger or my PC (I have AOL, which has its own issues). In the interim, though, I was able to commnet on other blogs (non-Blogger/Blogspot) with no difficulty.

I checked my profile, also... I don't see any sudden unusual interest in Afghanistan (or any other far-off countries) either. Hope you figure out the problems! Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Well, this is a most interesting plea for comments I"ve ever seen, KathyB!
NatRed2 said…
No problem here! And I just checked my own profile and nothing about Afghanastan.

However, I did get spammed the other day and had to put word verification on my comments.

Hate Spam! Good luck.
Donna Boucher said…
You are really so clever!


Hope you have had a great week!
The Yarn Nut said…
Good idea to send your message in the snow. Anyway, here's my comment.

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