While the Wild Beasts sleep.....

I knit. They all arranged themselves in this fashion the other night. My sweet husband noticed them. I was oblivious to everything but the sister vest at the time. Rosalyn is on top, Radar in the middle, Huck on the ground. (Fiona hiding ...of course)

I am so at ease working on my holiday socks. I think I will rib them all the way to the heel because the colors don't seem to jog as much in rib. Criminey Jickets noticed that using a drop stitch elimates pooling in his socks.

Where do you find a finisher you ask? My LYS offers finishing. It isn't cheap, however. I find it a geat indulgence when a zipper is involved.

Another quick thing. A new reader asked about my Hungarian Grandmother's Apron pattern. I gave permission for it to be published by Crochet a Page a Day so I believe I cannot give her the directions, right? I think, dear reader, if you google Page a Day crochet for 2006 you'll be able to ask them for the pattern. Good luck.


Karen said…
I think I would let someone else put in the zipper too (I don't like doing it on a regular sewn garment). The animals look tuckered out from your knitting marathon, you should rest up too.
Deb said…
That's pretty darn cute!! Mine usually arrange themselves on top of me while I knit!
Bernadette said…
Awwwww! So sweet! Threee angels in a row sleeping so peacefully!
~Kristie said…
Love it!! What an adorable photo of the "furry kids".
Anonymous said…

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