What we do for love.....

My son has decided to knit a scarf for his girlfriend, for Christmas. He carefully swatched the yarns blended, then swatched in seperate stripes. Today he decided on a twisted rib pattern. He is kind of natural at knitting. Really, AL thinks so, too He isn't sure why he made a mistake, but he recognizes it right away. I must find out who on their father's side of the family was knitter.....nah. My Hungarian side is taking credit. Their great great grandfather kept knitting into his 90s. Genes are powerful things.

I have made a decision about the blog for the wintertime. I had entertained the thought of a photographer's cube to take blog shots more, well, comfortable, during the coldest part of the year. Jiminey Crickets had just blogged about purchasing one.
I decided to gut it out this winter. I'll be telling you the temps as I took the digital pictures in the days to come. I just love natural light and available light. (Someday I'll know how to take great flash photography indoors. ) So, let's see how low can we go eh?

Today's temp 38 degrees F. Windy. Ran outside without a coat, for this one.


Karen said…
How sweet that he's knitting his girlfriend a gift!! I just love it. Hurray for those knitters genes. :)

Thank you for braving the cold temps for us. It will be neat to see how cold it gets each day. Although if it gets too cold, stay inside, okay??
Anonymous said…
Aww! I think my heart just grew three sizes at the sweetness.
Jennifer said…
Awww - that's so sweet. I'm voting on your family's genes for this one.
Squeaky said…
Your son sounds like a sweetheart!
Birdsong said…
I hope the sweetie is worthy:) I am going to be looking forward to these weather-photo shoots... I thought about improving my photo capabilities but am being thrifty and will try to 'rig' something up... like shooting things on the hood of my car during my lunch break, LOL.
Anonymous said…
That is the sweetest thing ever. What a great kid. I'm just awestruck by that.

Found your blog today while searching for new "reads". Just thought I'd say hello.

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