After 9/11 I went back to Knitting

My wise neighbor Abby suggested I start knitting again. It consoled me. You too?


Anonymous said…
After 9-11 I couldn't do anything for a while--even knit. It was definitely grief, because the same thing happened when my Mother passed away. In both cases I was so happy when I discovered that I could knit again, but in answer to your question, no, knitting couldn't help me. I pray that we will never have to go through anything like that again as a nation.
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to let you know that I received the prize. It is great. I can't wait to start using it. Thanks again and glad you liked the postcards.

Anonymous said…
Knitting is what finally got me out of my depression that ensued after 9/11. As people say knitting and spinning is a lot cheaper than therapy!
Pat K said…
Not for me personally, but I know several people for whom quilting and other crafts did.
~Kristie said…
It sure would have, but I didn't take up knitting until 2 years ago. I sure wish someone would've recommended knitting then. It definitely could have helped.
Jennifer said…
I knit the entire year after 9/11 while I was mobilized in Washington, DC away from my family. It was such a consolation. Sigh.
Anne said…
We were living just outside D.C. at the time (and working in the city); I freaked out and told my husband we had to move back to MA; if the world was going crazy I needed to be near my family. And yes, I started knitting more and more.
Bernadette said…
Walking helped me a lot... I walked regularly back then, using the high school track. The thing that helped me most immediately after 9/11 was baseball. Watching and cheering for the Yankees in the World Series allowed us to temporarily forget the awful reality here in NY that year... It was such a relief to pour all that pent-up emotion into a classic American pasttime and have life seem normal again, if only for a short while.

It wasn't until a couple of years later that I took up knitting and crochet on a regular basis, and it has helped me get through some tough times. I do find it comforting and comtemplative, particularly when I can whizz along without having to refer to a pattern too much.

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