McButter.....or Molly my model

Molly's modeling career continues here on Irisheyesknitters. Al knit this one taking a fairisle pattern she liked and putting it on a hat. Dale of Norway. I think Molly deserves a hat ......She loves to wear them. This one is promised to another of Al's cousins for Christmas. Leave it to dishcloth knitting to raise my confidence for my next pair of socks. Who knew? I found the round pattern interesting to knit. Me? Patterns? Interesting? I think I feel like knitting my STR Grand Canyon medium weight into Lisa Parker's Savannah socks. Has anyone knit her patterns out there? Hmmmm, the Cubs won their division, looks like Northwestern will beat Michigan today, and I want to knit a sock with a pattern............what is going on? (Im still not a Cub fan.....They've done this before....but I am happy for all of you able to enjoy this..)