Last chance for postcard contest ....ends Labor Day

Email me for my snail mail.

Prizes: 2 gorgeous fall Koigu skeins.
One Skein socks that rock in Ruby
One MindYourKNitting bag and binder

Each of the above will be paired with :

Gone with the Wind coffee mug or
Homer Simpson car prompt
Elvis PEZ with anniversary CD.

Keep em coming !!!!!


Karen said…
I see mine!!
evergreenknits said…
I'm pretty darn late in this game, but why not? The mail works pretty quickly these days...

My email address to send an address too is hbreetz (a-t) mit (d-o-t) edu

Thanks! I think I've got some sweet ones to send along ....

P.S. I've got a yarn contest at my blog too! I found this searching for how other people run theirs
Woven Spun said…
ARGH....I keep forgetting to send mine in to you. Someone is going to win my prize (ha ha)
Karen said…
I finally got mine in the mail!! If it's not there yet, it should be there very soon. :)
Anne said…
This was a fun contest! Can't wait to see who wins & the postcards they sent. Love the dishcloths, too--I'm getting lots of ideas for my holiday knitting. Do people have favorite dishcloth yarn? I've just been using the Lily sugar 'n' cream because I don't know any better.
Rachel said…
Ooh I see my cards in there! How exciting, can't wait to see the results. Also I hope you are going to show all the cards, I love postcards. I think if I have another contest I might copy you.

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