The Gate

Wow, the socks look good, but I guess the fence needs to be painted....again. Welcome to my yard. If the mosquitos get to be too much, c'mon up on the screened porch.

Why didn't someone tell me sooner that Debbie Blish baby cashmerino makes my stitches look wonderful? Working on hats for twin girls due in November. Following a simple Ann Norling pattern that I can enjoy following. Don't laugh, don't go looking for it. Just trust me, it is easy. Easy peesey.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I'll be posting the postcard winners on Labor Day when we pick them.


kathy b said…
Let me be the first to say Debbie BLISS not blish. blish blash . Sorry for the typo.
Beverly said…
Don't you just love softness? May take a little more care, but who doesn't want to spoil a baby.
Anonymous said…
Love the sock picture. I would love to have a fence like that. It just gives me a very homey feeling.
Anonymous said…
I love the sock picture - that should be a post card!
~Kristie said…
I LOVE that photo! It should be printed, framed, and hanging in knitting stores.
Ling said…
Just wanted to say that I love the picture too! It's so cheery!
Ahh, Debbie Bliss cashmerino - so yummy and soft. The babies will love the hats.
Sheknits said…
Great picture!
Karen said…
I love all the socks on the gate!!
Karen said…
your socks make great looking flags for your gate! What a great pic!
Katherine said…
How funny! I just took pictures of my Seduction socks hanging on the fence. Must be a seasonal thing!

Your socks are beautiful and such pretty colors.

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