Al, making the blog look good

Thank goodness for AL's knitting. She keeps the blog posting interesting with true knitting content. As you know, I stray from the main topic from time to time.
This is a baby gift for another cousin's baby due in December. It is a nice little cardigan from Interweave Winter 2004, that was knit in a strawish color in the Mag. Al says it is hard for her to tell what row she is on after the armpits.
I love straight color when the pattern is interesting. A very understated grey, but I think it works and will show the baby's face off beautifully.
I think I gave you all Bianca's blogsite incorrectly. Here is the correct link:
Go on over and enjoy her incredible knits.


Karen said…
Al's knitting is always gorgeous, but I also love your "straying from the main topic" posts too. Keep up the good work, ladies!!
Karen said…
That is gorgeous! And you just straying from the main topic.
Bianca said…
Thank you Kathy ;-) I am honoured to be nominated! Now I have to think who I will nominate.

The socks you saw were wrapped around my feet for a change. I am glad you liked them!

Love, Bianca
Kathy... said…
Cute baby sweater pattern. I will have to search for that issue - I think I should have it. I have a desire to make some baby items.... as long as I don't let my daughter know. Don't want to put THAT much pressure on her...LOL!
Knitstress Mary said…
Wow how pretty!. At least you have more time to work on your's the baby I am knitting the suprise for is due at the end of October.

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