Al, making the blog look good

Thank goodness for AL's knitting. She keeps the blog posting interesting with true knitting content. As you know, I stray from the main topic from time to time.
This is a baby gift for another cousin's baby due in December. It is a nice little cardigan from Interweave Winter 2004, that was knit in a strawish color in the Mag. Al says it is hard for her to tell what row she is on after the armpits.
I love straight color when the pattern is interesting. A very understated grey, but I think it works and will show the baby's face off beautifully.
I think I gave you all Bianca's blogsite incorrectly. Here is the correct link:
Go on over and enjoy her incredible knits.
The socks you saw were wrapped around my feet for a change. I am glad you liked them!
Love, Bianca