
Irisheyes Katie, (Lynn's youngest), Al and Lynn begged me to take their picture for the blog on a recent knittogether. They will deny it, but they really wanted to make the blog....

I am having some technical difficulties with leaving comments on other's blogs. Because of this, I realize how much I love to leave comments on my regular reads. I read mostly little blogs. I have a little blog, so I'd like to support others. There are so many great knitters and writers out here.

So, if it seems I'm speechless lately, I am really just unable to leave you a comment. I'm sorry. Know that I am reading you and feel like someone has bound and gagged me and I'm making the chair jump trying to respond. Who will come to my rescue????


Jennifer said…
I love the anonymity of these great knitters. Very cute. It's always nice to get your comments and read your blog. So much so, that I'm waiting for you to plan your NYC/CT trip...

Happy knitting
Anonymous said…
It's their mad mad knitting skills that are leaving you speechless! I'm glad Katie, Al and Lynne had the presence of mind to protect their Secret identities!
Pat K said…
FINALLY got caught up with you! That's a great little log cabin quilt knit. Log cabins seem to be so popular now. Hopefully I can keep up on my Bloglines now.
Anonymous said…
I look like a Dr. Suess character with my very long and colorful nose. If I could get my hands on those size 2's I could finish that sucker.
Donna Boucher said…
Hi! Katie, Al and Lynn!
I am so happy to see you :o)

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