Knitting on the fishing Boat

We are back from a week in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Al is watching her dad rock a walleye back to life in the water after a nightcatch. Huck loves when a fish is caught and wriggles all over the place. Al is knitting a baby gift sweater in its early stages.

The vacation knitting included: Socks that you'll see this week. Lorna's Laces Bees.
More of the log cabin, which you'll see this week.....
A new sweater Al has begun for herself. There were chart issues in the beginning, but she conquered them.
Al's Koigu Shawl which you will see too....

The knitshops available Up North were a bummer this year. One was small and pricey. One had a very cheery group lesson going on, but no yarns we needed. I did get a pattern that is so easy it thrills me to think of knitting it!

Some postcards are arriving for the contest. I must select the Koigu and tempt more of you into sending cards.

I hope to highlight some other little knitting blogs. We don't get much play in the comment world, but these women have incredible blogs nonetheless. Tomorrow some blogs you have probably never read, that I love.

I'll also be sharing some images that could be postcards from our vacation !


Donna Boucher said…
I love it when you come to Wisconsin :o)
I hear it was quite chilly in the Northwoods this week.

Good knitting weather!
Karen said…
Sounds like a wonderful vacation. I can't wait to see the pictures and see your favorite blog links. And I keep forgetting to get a postcard to send to you - but I swear I'll pick one up soon!!
Pat K said…
What a dreamy place to knit!
Irisheyes Lynn said…
Yay! You're back!
Bianca said…
Glad to read you had a good vacation. And nice weather so to see as well :-)
Jennifer said…
Great vacation pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all.

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