Perfect Paws and A Darn Good Sock

The Lorna's Laces top roll socks are coming right along. I do love the colorway of Somerset. Yarn is very very soft. Second sock knitting this evening.

Huck's paws are practically perfect post pedicure. Will try mobile groomer next time. He seemed upset when we left him at our regular trusted wonderful groomer.

Al wished for the sweater compensation to be a new dress she needs. She's got it!

Thanks for how to post a link info. K. I'm grateful and will try it soon.

The bunny brought Al some Lion and Lamb from Lorna's Laces. Silk and wool. Lovely stuff. The bunny found it at 40% off in the sale bin at a LYS. I'll show it to you soon.


Donna Boucher said…
Love that picture :o)

Can we take care of Huck next time you go on a vacation?


We are not so far away!

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