March Knitting Madness

Another little baby Koigu leftover sock. Another March madness. Friday during the games, I dropped stitches and a crochet hook. The hook was gone. Swallowed into the chair never to be found again. That chair is a Bermuda triangle of sorts. We got a flashlight, turned the chair upside down and backwards, got on our hands and knees, got out the maglight, but to no avail.

So I bought a new crochet hook. It is ergonomically friendly. I'll show it to you this week and I'll show you how this Knitter who cannot conquer lace fights back with her crochet hook.

Go Florida.


Karen said…
Okay, no crochet hook . . . . but did the chair spit out any other valuables when you were searching it??

Don't give up on lace knitting. Try again in a few months. I failed miserably at the Kiri Shawl last summer, but now it's zipping along and seems pretty easy. :)
Ling said…
Now that you've got a new one, it'll turn up.
Al's cardigan is gorgeous.
Briana E. said…
You make me want to go digging through my left over yarn with these socks of yours. What a perfect pattern for wee socks. How long does it take to knit up a pair?

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