Because I cannot seem to conquer lace....

I am crocheting a shawl. I love the colors of the Claudia handpaint linen. Summer summer summer. I know, can't I just be content with spring right now?

It was inspired by a Sweat Pea Shawl from the Happy Hooker Stitch n'Bitch Crochet book.
I am not making it a triangle shape. I am not really even making anything close to that pattern. This is a breakthrough for me.

For some reason, with only one live stitch, I see the pattern coming alive before me. I don't need to write row repeats down or count. I tried at least 5 lace knit patterns before I tossed and turned and the light came on: I could crochet a summer shawl with this yarn.

The ergonomically correct F hook is okay. My wrist hurts from all the work I did last night, and I do not usually get wrist pain when I knit. The yarn is well, splitty. It hides well with crochet but I wouldn't want to knit with this yarn. The yarn is not soft yet, but Lynnette at 3 Bags says it washes up soft.

So that is what I am up to right now. I think I have to plow ahead with this shawl before I start something else.........but
I miss knitting.....


Anonymous said…
Beautiful, Kathy. Love the colors!!!
Karen said…
It looks very light and airy. The colors are beautiful!
monica said…
Very, very, pretty. I love the colors and the emerging pattern. There is definitely a lot more wrist action in crocheting, don't forget to rest every now and then.
Katherine said…
The colors are so beautiful--like watercolors. I think you are brave to tackle lace in either crochet or knit!

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